would it be possible to add a way to be automatically subscribed to new (non-NAFDA, non-spoiler, non-adult) threads?
This would be tricky. It would mean adding a currently non-existent field that says whether a thread falls into any of those categories.
One thought, although it's harder to code, would be a dialogue you'd get the first time you hit Read New after a thread's been added; something like "A new thread (title) (slug) has been created. Do you want to subscribe to it?"
That's a great idea, but you're right that it would be difficult to code. It would mean that for every user, in addition to a list of subscribed threads, there would need to be an associated list of "seen" threads. It would also add processing time --- every time you hit Read New, the server would have to check for a new thread.
How about when a new thread is created, something is automatically posted in Bureaucracy?
Would a simpler solution be to announce it in Press? And assume everyone reads Press? When I am on a time constraint, I always still read Press, Beep Me and Bureacracy.
How about when a new thread is created, something is automatically posted in Bureaucracy?
That would be nifty, but I think it's simple enough for whoever creates the thread to write a quick post in Press.
I do want a subscribe button in every thread, because it seems kind of awkward to notice there's a new thread and have to go into my profile to subscribe to it, rather than in the thread itself.
I do want a subscribe button in every thread, because it seems kind of awkward to notice there's a new thread
But a subscribe button in the thread wouldn't help you notice that it's there - you'd already have to have found it.
New threads don't come up all that often - some of the options mentioned above seem like overkill. I'd vote for a simple announcement in Press. For continuation threads, could we put a link to the new thread in the closing post? Or even a subscribe button for the new one? I think you'd hit those who want to know without bothering everyone else.
I don't know how I got subscribed to Natter 4. I was worrying about remembering to subscribe, and then it just popped up. I wonder what happened?
Independent of the new threads issue, I would like a Subscribe button in the thread. Going to the profile and hunting through a big list of threads for the right checkbox is awkward.