...um, apologies for the serial postage.
Anyway, yes - just polished off the series. And, yes, wow, it really does feel curtailed - pity that the storytelling had to suffer for the Writers' Strike. I mean, fair play to the writers, and I was all 'Go Team Writers', but selfishly, right now, I'm just rather sorry that we didn't get to see the whole thing unfold at the normal pace, and that characters got comparatively short shrift. Hmm.
Ah well.
Oh, Elle, don't go making me feel sorry for you! (Nice scenes, those with Not!Veronica and Mr Bennet. Mr Bennet - still made of win.)
Oh - poor Nicky! That girl had no luck. Plus - Micah is now going to be the guiltiest kid in guilt-town. Poor wee scone.
Also OMGWTF Nathan! But - surely he has regenerative powers now? Or is that a one-shot deal? 'Cause I was all over the Petrelli brothers' bonding, I must admit. (Although, you know, Peter has mostly just been Very Annoying And Stupid this season. If I fancied him, I'd maybe give him a free pass for all the wet'n'shirtless schtick - but since I don't, I mostly want to smack him upside the head. I mean, apart from anything else - how the hell is AVERTING the future where Caitlin exists supposed to help you get her back, you idiot? You need to get your ass back into that future before you shift the world onto a different course, or else you have lost her forever! Which -oops! Looks like you have lost her forever!)
Hiro - NICE punishment for Adam! Nice! 'Course, when he eventually emerges he's going to be reeeeally pissed off...
Sylar...so, still evil. Curses. (And what the hell is with the company NOT NOTICING that he escaped from his secure facility in the first place? 'Cause whatshershape wasn't working alone, she was working for the company. Surely absconding psychotic former supervillains should be the kind of thing that earns at least a terse email? A company memo? SOMETHING?)
Maya - not dead? 'Cuz I admit, I was sort of agreeing with Sylar at that point, with the shooting. It was sort of an Indiana Jones versus the sword-wielding guy moment for me - oooooh, sudden threat of big weepy death...bang! Okay, no problemo! (Poor wee Molly really didn't need to die of the drippy mascara disease. That kid has had a shitty enough year already.)
Oh, Matt, get your ass home and sort out your Indian wife. He is sweet as hell, but really doesn't know his arse from his elbow. You need to go home and use your awesome mind control powers to keep him barefoot and shirtless and tied to the kitchen sink, where he can do comparatively little harm. Hopefully. And give poor wee Molly a big hug while you're there.