and still a damn sight better than most of what's on TV
Not to pick on you (or Heroes), but I hear this all the time and my reaction is always, so what? I'm not watching most of what's on TV - what does it matter that Heroes S2 (or BtVS S7, or whatever) at its worst is better than Who Wants To Get Paid To Eat Bugs On TV? at its best?
It's like saying "Oh, your steak is overcooked and underseasoned? Well at least you're not eating a microwaved burrito!" The fact that I didn't go to the vending machine at the gas station for dinner doesn't mean I shouldn't expect a properly cooked steak from the restaurant I chose.
Who Wants To Get Paid To Eat Bugs On TV?
You better hope there aren't any TV producers reading this board.
I think that I stand a much better chance of learning Japanese, what with it not being a tonal language.
I loved learning Japanese (found it as easy as Spanish--similar vowel sounds) and the sound of it is much more appealing to me than maybe any other Asian language. Given your inherent cleverness, I'm guessing it will be a snap.
I'm with you, Jessica. Just because it isn't worse than something else, does not make a show watchable. That's why I love watching things on DVD. I can make the choice to leave something behind so much more quickly. (I'm looking at you The Tudors.)
get around to watching Season 3 of VM, even if it is crap.
It's not crap.
Fuckin' Yankton!
Hey, I get that! Even though I still don't know what "Yankton" is, exactly.
Certainly no worse than Tom Welling, or indeed Allison Mack.
Hey! Allison Mack is awesome!
The fact that I didn't go to the vending machine at the gas station for dinner doesn't mean I shouldn't expect a properly cooked steak from the restaurant I chose.
Well, to be fair, you're watching NBC, so it pretty much is a gas station dinner, or at best Applebee's, but I take your point, and you're not wrong. But I'm just saying I've seen the pattern of self-feeding negativity repeatedly.
But I'm just saying I've seen the pattern of self-feeding negativity repeatedly.
I'd say the fandom swings both ways. I've seen plenty of piling-on that was positive as well as negative. The squee can be as infectious as the snark. I just think Heroes was particularly vulnerable because the first season was such a pleasant suprise ("Hey - we've got a serious genre show that's not only pretty good, but it's POPULAR too! Maybe this one won't be cancelled.") and the drop-off for season two felt almost immediate.
I will say that while flyboy was annoying, and did some damage to Claire's character, he was nowhere near as bad as the guy they introduced on Eureka who's totally screwed up Jo's character (totally memfaulting on their names, so why don't I just call them both Poochie).
"Smug teenage asshole engages in creepy pushy stalkerlike behavior and then gets the girl by revealing that he's only an asshole because of his Secret Deep Pain Which They Can Bond Over" is right up there on my list of Least Favorite TV Tropes EVAR.
(Oh hi, Jess from Gilmore Girls! I hate you so much!)
I do take your point, but happily it didn't really ping me too much. I mean, yes, I thought he was being a dickhead, but I also thought that it was entirely plausible. I mean, I didn't think 'Oooh, romantic! Twu Wuv!', I just thought he was as self-centred and entitled as many other teenagers, and oblivious to the seriousness of the shit Claire was dealing with. Which made sense to me, so I was good with it.
Who Wants To Get Paid To Eat Bugs On TV?
You better hope there aren't any TV producers reading this board.
Oh, God. It's funny 'cuz it's true.
Meanwhile, in Fay's Ongoing Watch'n'Post news:
OMG, Wee!Hiro! OMG! I am
Gasp. Adam is the killer. Gasp. Or, you know, not so much with the gasping., Matt, don't go embracing the dark side! Be careful! Making blood come out of people's noses isn't generally regarded as a sign of incipient virtue. This business of mind control not so much with the goodness, especially in your own house, with those you love. (...although...oh dear sweet Jesus, the pr0n possibilities. The...oh, God. Is it out there? On the internets? Um. I..yeah, I'll be in my bunk. Um. [What? Look, it's not my fault! Mohinder is just
too damn pretty!])
Aw! Mr Bennet is
with Flying!Boy! Aw! Over CARS! Aw, that's just adorable. That really is adorable. Although...why have they not neutralised Elle's powers? She can totally take them out right now. Duh.
...yeah. Well, duh.
They Killed Kenny Mr Bennet! OMG OMG! Mohinder! WTF? My God, boy - you should just STAY IN BED all day! Looking pretty and nekkid, with maybe a few research books. You cannot be trusted out of the house!
Mr Bennet got better again!
...why is Claire the one saying words and emptying the ashes? Surely Mama Bennet should be doing this? And their actual biological son should also get a bit of a look-in, no?
Peter, are you in competition with Mohinder for Who Can Be The Most Stupid? Because, really, I think I speak for the world when I assure you that it would be
better for the two of you to compete over Who Can Be Nekkid And Wet The Most Times Per Episode, rather than you bogarting all the wet'n'nekkid time. Also, while I remember - sweet baby JESUS, you are The Worst Boyfriend EVER. You are like Kiss Of Death Guy! I mean, man, I thought poor gorgeous Simone was unlucky - but this poor faux Irish cow got stranded in the future in a parallel universe! And it's a SUCKY future! Seriously, I may start to 'ship Nathan/Peter just out of compassion for the womenfolk of the world.
Aw, Micah. You are possibly the cutest kid in the history of television. Well, except for all the other cute kids whose existence I'm presently forgetting about, I expect. But - serious cuteness. Bless. I just want to pinch your cheek, feed you soup, and help you learn your times tables. You are an awesome kid.
...Uhura, STILL no super seekrit powers? Really? This is quite disappointing. C'mon, you KNOW you want some!
...Ando, I love you. I want to squeeze you and Hiro and call you both George. You are possibly even more adorable than Micah. Bless.
Oh, Maya. Just - stop. Please stop. He is a bad guy. Cannot you see the big flashing 'I am a Bad Guy' sign over his psychotic head? I mean, honestly. If he had a moustache he'd be twirling it wickedly. And perhaps tying a damsel to a train line whilst he did so. Buy a clue, girly!
...Ooooh yes. And now he's murdered your twin and is getting all wet'n'nekkid to distract you (clearly HE has decided to compete with Peter. Mohinder, love, take a hint, yeah?). Maya, just step away from the psycho, dear. Alejandro - REALLY bad luck, mate.
Not!Joan! This is (continued...)
( continues...) not looking good! And I was loving the cute cousinly bonding, and your wee outfit, and your excellent breaking'n'entry skills, but now - oh
freaks the fuck out
Mohinder, you useless fucking hunk of tall, dark, lickable and brainless, get your pretty ass BACK TO THE APARTMENT RIGHT NOW!!! Develop a sodding superpower already! Matt, stop doing whateverthefuckyou'redoing and go SAVE THE FREAKING DAY!!!
freaks out some more
I think I hated the Twins more than Flyboy.
It's not crap.
Really? Oh, splendid! I think I may continue to have low expectations, though, because then I'll just be all delighted by it, insh'allah.
Hey! Allison Mack is awesome!
Not dissing her (hey,
Season One lives in my fannish memory as something unexpected and precious - it's like summer holidays when you're a kid, that stretch on forever and are full of sunny days and popsicles and daisychains and all that stuff - I heart
season one, when I fell head over heels in love with my very first OTP and the world was full of shiny blue bottles of water and fabulous new words like 'cocksicle'. Ah, good times, good times...but the fact remains that Allison Mack is
upon rewatching, a better actress than KK. They both do perfectly good and charming jobs with the scripts they get. Fandom embraced the hell out of Chloe (and Allison) and was pretty fucking savage about Lana (and Kristin). And actually, for me, upon rewatching without the lens of TwoP, I found KK and Lana surprised me by how likeable and 3D they actually were.
(Although Lana's parents being dead - and then NOT being dead, and in either case being, unless my memory deceives me, pretty markedly Caucasian, continues to be really quite entertaining.)