So in the latest online comic are we to read HRG's comments as admitting that he did in fact die from Mo's shot and then they brought him back to life? Because if so, I really, really hate that development. I mean, I guess it means we could conceivably get Nathan back, but there better be some big, goddamn limits on just how much this "magic blood" can accomplish. Maybe there's some time limit?
ION, thoroughly enjoying the comic.
I've so totally fogotten where things ended. What happened to Nathan, again?
I've so totally forgotten where things ended. What happened to Nathan, again?
Someone who may or may not be HRG shot him.
Oh right, just as he was about to go public.
is having a THREE-HOUR premiere.
holy cow! 3 hours?? when?
Is it a one hour recap plus a two hour new episode? That would make at least a little bit of sense.
All the ad says is "three-hour premiere." I assume it's three episodes in a row.