because I still don't really understand Mohinder's motivations if that isn't what happened.
He seemed really invested in saving Nikki, which just doesn't make sense to me. I mean, okay, he was told that HRG (Noah still sounds funny) killed his mentor, so perhaps it shook him that Noah was capable of this, but after what Bob and Elle were planning to do, I don't see that he was really actively defending them as people/innocents. And I just don't get him being capable of murder on Nikki's behalf. I mean, if he's so principled that he doesn't believe that a near stranger should die of a virus, and if he's so principled that he doesn't believe that people like Elle and Bob should be murdered when they were very clear that they were going to assassinate Noah (or did I miss something?)... in both those instances being a pacifist and not shooting Noah would seem the logical outcome.
And I still don't get why the situation came to the head that it did. Maybe they (the writers) didn't explain themselves clear enough. I get the whole "dad defending his daughter", but... it's all too confusing with the lies and possible unreliable character narrative and character misunderstandings (as in, the characters don't know what the hell is going on and acting on assumptions and bad information. When it comes to that stuff, I can't keep up.)
I think in the end it really does just come down to Mohinder being dumber than a dumb thing.
I mean, I would love love if there was some trick up his sleeve, some prearranged "I'm going to kill you to really bring down the Company", but that just seems really out there to me, especially given the exchange in the car between Mohinder and Noah. There was nobody around to witness that scene of distrust and betrayal, which to me meant it was real.