Jesus can save you from Hell
For atheists: [link]
There is no such thing as an atheist because no human being knows everything and has all knowledge as we've seen above. Neither can any person be everywhere at the same time. For a person to be able to confidently say, "There is no God," he'd have to know EVERYTHING that existed EVERYWHERE--and no human being fits that bill. There is no atheist. At the very BEST a person can say, "I'm agnostic" although this is not true either...
I was
disappointed that their "Gothic and Vamp Freaks click here" link isn't finished yet, and goes nowhere....
Billy and Biyi = beautiful. Many, many warm wishes for long life, deep happiness and light burdens.
For a person to be able to confidently say, "There is no God," he'd have to know EVERYTHING that existed EVERYWHERE--and no human being fits that bill.
So by that standard, one can't be a ________ist without having met ________ face to face?
Seriously -- that might be the worst argument for theism I've ever heard. Not that I clicked the link, but just from that quoted bit.
Ask him what percentage he knows of all the knowledge to be known in the entire known universe like what is happening in the core of Mars--right now. What is the temperature of that star that hubble is about to approach, etc.
1) squishy tidal flows
2) er...Hubble's in orbit, not approaching any stars unless something goes wrong
So by this count, do I know everything in the entire universe? And why do I suddenly feel like I've stepped into a Dinosaur Comics strip?
I'm in a weird mood today, as this stuff is amusing me rather than annoying me. More on atheists:
I submit to you in accordance with the word of God (Romans chapter 1) that the big talkers and blasphemers know that God is real and they know that their day of judgment is coming. THAT is why they call themselves atheists--they are trying to convince themselves that that day of judgement will not come--the ostrich-head-in-the-sand syndrome. They would rather believe that a monkey is they daddy and a fly they cousin than give the reverence to God and Him alone. Plugging up your ears will not stay the wrath of God against you. When you get thrown in hell you will be without excuse and it will be too late to get it right with Jesus. It's in this life you get it right or never. Turn or Burn. Repent or Perish.
Man, people keep expecting me to do work today! What is up with that noise?
This is from the discussion board of the hell site: [link] (it's a graphic)
What does it mean? Is it some kind of political statement?
OK, I'm just gonna link to this: A LETTER TO YOU FROM SATAN
I'm not at all impressed with Satan's writing. Plus, he used the contraction
instead of the possessive