NBA all star weekend in Vegas
Last time I went to an All Star weekend, I ended up cavorting with a member of *NSYNC. I have sworn off such shenanigans, so am content to stay home.
Knocked myself properly loopy with meds, and slept quite a while. Migraine's only mild this morning.
Good lawd. I wasn't here 5 minutes and I started getting bitched at about lunch. @@
It's FREE LUNCH people. I know there is no such thing, but shut it.
Also? I'm thinking she didn't buy K-Fed a watch fob... [link]
for once somebody else had heard of The Happy Hollisters
sounds like porn.
I ended up cavorting with a member of *NSYNC. I have sworn off such shenanigans, so am content to stay home
ah, good times. not that I was there, but the story was enough.
Aimee's link made me feel bad for J-Lo and smile with David Hasselhoff.
I knew Philip Nel, author of the annotated Cat in the Hat, in high school.
I have a rental. The whole neighbor thing was pretty much solved by no one being home and me needing to get this squared away before noon today. Of course, then I asked another neighbor to drive me TO the rental place because they (rental) were short handed and couldn't deliver. But they will pick up the car. So that's good. Enterprise couldn't guarantee me a car by the end of the day so I went with the local place. It's $30/day, flat, but... Enterprise, if they had a car, could only knock it down to $28. Boo holiday weekend. So I have a nice little gray civic.
I need to get a little plant or something for the neighbor who drove me.
Also? I think the rental place is the most "inspirational" rental car company ever. I wasn't prosel...prosele...I can't spell that right now.... to so much as God and faith managed to work its way into every part of the conversation. And the posters on the walls. Which....weird, but the guys were really nice and it was about them,so. But anyway. It is in a storefront with a church.
Oh, and my neighbor invited me to her church. Um. Basically, renting a car became a religious experience.
OK, I need to eat, and then go run the errands for which I am renting a car.
OK, I need to eat, and then go run the errands for which I am renting a car.
And then church, right?
Last time I went to an All Star weekend, I ended up cavorting with a member of *NSYNC. I have sworn off such shenanigans, so am content to stay home.
I was gonna say...
So now I'm waiting for my parents to tell me if they're going to have lunch before they get here or not. Problem is, now
ready for lunch!