The only reason I haven't already done this is because I am superwuss, and the fear of cutting myself far outweighs a) actual pain, even pain this hurty/stabby, and b) the fear of being tracked by alien/government/pan-dimensional microchip.
Hey, if you don't mind the alien overlords headquartered at Area 51 knowing your lunchmeat preferences, it's up to you.
We all know that Sean likes headcheese. We don't need an alien RFID for that.
New favorite term.
I wish I could claim credit, but I got it from a blog. (Pandagon, I think.)
Why does this sound like an eight-sided panda? Or a black-and-white geometric shape?
Either that or it's a new set of dice for RPGs.
Seventy more posts people! Let's get a move on!
Skipping way ahead because this made me excited for April all over again.
I didn't hear the tire pop at first because I was listening to David Allen Coe's "You Never Even Called Me by My Name."
Heh. Possibly Juliana's favorite country song. It's up there.
Wheee! I even know alternate lyrics that are dirrrrrty.
Soon I'm off for the airport to go to Columbus- where several cutie pie cute kids are kept... I'm going to visit 2 of 'em, Sean and Erin. AND it was my sister's birthday yesterday. I miss my sister like WHOA. I'm psyched to see 'em all.
C-bus will be welcoming you with temps in the mid-40's and some honest-to-goodness sunshine!