I've never had a relationship like this before, where I *knew*, with total assuredness, that I could count on him. And I've never had a relationship where my love wasn't treated like (to some degree) an inconvenience.
Teppy is me. OMG! We're very pretty.
See, this is why I have such a couple!crush on Nora and Tom!
Peoples, I have to say, Committee Chair e-mailed me back with the most nasty, bordering-on-mentally-unbalanced e-mail that I actually just went @@ when I read it. He e-mailed only me, however, and didn't cc the Board, so I immediately forwarded it to the Board.
Because although Group President is tight with Committee Chair (no homo), I still think the Board needs to know how one of their "leaders" is allowed to treat people.
I feel no shame for forwarding that e-mail.
Enjoy some tasty tidbits:
"I may not be a 'communications professional' or anything of that nature. But I do have a degree in criminal science and some of the classes involved in that are 'Psychology, Criminal Behavior, and Interrogation'. Now what does all that mean? It means that in my opinion your response shows what I have thought all along DECEPTION. Never once have I called you a 'liar'."
....does anyone else see the total disconnect between the last 2 sentences?
Also, I *really* don't like what he's implying with the "criminal science yadda yadda yadda" stuff.
"Not only did you make the edits to things out side you area of responsibility, you failed to call them out. One reason no one objected is because you did not even call out that you had done so. The rest of us would be aware of them and have a chance to object. Is it not customary in the editing process to highlight all changes to draw attention to them?"
Not really, jackass -- that's why you're SUPPOSED TO READ OVER THE CORRECTIONS.
(Perhaps this is where the core disconnect about what an editor is supposed to do comes from. I'm an editor and therefore know what to do; he's a fuckwit who wants to be spoon-fed.)
"I am sorry you see my attitude as hostile and insulting. I consider it to be factual and not letting you attempt to pull the wool over my eyes and the eyes of those around me. I am too old to be playing games, I feel I have admitted to my part in this whole thing. But you playing the wounded duck routine has been played out by to many others, and too many times (it has become a pattern) in this group for me to bite on your rendition of it."
Dude, I *so* don't even know what this means.
At the end of the e-mail he posted a 5-point list of Ways To Tell When Someone Is Being Deceitful (no, really -- that's the title of it).
How, again, is that NOT implying that I'm a liar?
"In examination of your responses I have yet to see you take any responsibility for issue becoming what it is today."
Yeah, uh -- responsibility for WHAT? I enacted my choice to no longer spend my time on a volunteer project. The way adults with free agency do.
I'm really thinking of sending him an e-mail that contains nothing but a list of names and phone numbers of psychiatrists. Because he sounds REALLY unbalanced.
And yet again, let me say how verra verra glad I am to be out of there. I'd say this pretty much ends my involvement in not just the committee, but also the group as a whole. Oh well.