Matt wants to know if Emily is the Soup Dominatrix.
No, the soup totally kicked my ass. Stoopid soup. I should eat it now.
I should totally take a break, right? Need time to get my mind off square roots before I attack the problem of how to teach (ab)^m = a^mb^m to kids who overwhelmingly believe that 1/2 + 1/4 = 2/6.
We have achieved zero degrees Fahrenheit.
Northern Minnesota will be in the twenties below tonight.
Glad I'm here, in that case.
Take a break. I do not believe that 1/2+1/4= 2/6, but you have to explain ^ symbol before I got the rest. so take a break.
Matt wants me to help move stuff in the garage. He seems to have forgotten that there is no heat in there...
Just that (ab) squared is a squared times b squared. Sigh. The barriers to learning that when they cannot reliably remember that 4x does not mean 4 + x...
ahh - squared. I figure you were saying something like that - just couldn't put the right action in... sadly, my understanding does not help you students. May there be a minor miracle tomorrow.
Tomorrow's set, actually. It's just, I need to be more than one day ahead, you know? And... I'm not. Because the whole thing is kind of tiring.
Well then , that's the miracle I wish for you. Get a little ahead without making you so tired.
It's good to see you here, Emily. Sorry that mathiness is so hard to pound into the tough skulls of the young.
Why is the rum gone?
The rum is always gone. Why this is, I don't know.
t hugs all teachers in thread
t and anyone who's ever had a teacher
Daniel, you'ere in Minnesota? For some reason, I thought you guys lived in Wisconsin. Are you close enough to Minneapolis to get together next time I'm there?