We have 16 games scheduled. All the weeknight games are at 7:00.
Aaagh. That's a schedule to die for. Hec's schedule is ridiculous. When I saw it, I said, "Who the hell can do that? Who can leave at 3:30 eleven days in six weeks for their kid's baseball games without getting smacked down hard for it, except people who run their own businesses?" And Hec ran down the list of coaches and pointed out that practically all of them, except for himself and a couple other poor saps, do in fact own their own businesses. Well, bully for them. It's just a peachy schedule for them. For everyone else on the planet who isn't living the fucking dream, it
Grr. I'm feeling very surly and protective of David, with the book deadline and the sick baby and the day job and all. The only upside to it is that his rant to the other coaches about the schedule is a thing of snarling dyspeptic beauty. If he ever writes a Little League novel, I plan to insist that he cannibalize it.
That Little League schedule really is evil. How is Matilda feeling today?
Brainma, Nora. It is too cold out. If the kids hadn't missed so much school due to illness, I totally would have kept them home, today.
Suzi, I'm sorry about the asshats.
That is all. Just a quick cheap-shot-post-at-Aims-&-run kinda thing...
Shut it, you. Else I'll create my own Boston Tea Party the next time I see you and throw YOU into the drink.
Don't think I can't - I am freakishly strong and have powerful monkey toes.
(Also? I can't see the typo. I am blind.)
Yeah, I figured that even though I wasn't full scale sick, I was on the edge, and it was indeed noticed by co-workers yesterday, and it's too cold, and there's nothing that NEEDS doing today (a rarity) and I have the sick time. No need to be a hero!
Taking sick time today sounds like a good idea, Nora. Feel better, and good luck getting the oven fixed.
Matilda's bouncing back and forth between her usual cheerful self and head-to-toe rigid, outraged squalling when her sinuses block up (in fact, she was beamingwhen I started this sentence and is now rigid and whimpering into my shoulder). I couldn't find the Johnson & Johnson bath Aimée recommended, but I did get this stuff last night and she'll be getting a long warm bath in just a minute.
How are things with you and TCG and the apartment? (I shake my fists at your landlords, btw)
That's a schedule to die for.
It was the vocal parents that made the schedule happen. Your schedule is absurd. And parents that are their own bosses still have to work too! It sounds very stressful.
I'm glad you decided to take the day off, Nora. Better to be home when not all out sick too. Yay for the cutiehead lunch delivery dude.
How are things with you and TCG and the apartment? (I shake my fists at your landlords, btw)
So far I haven't smelled any smoke since the landlord plugged up the hole in the closet, but I am not convinced that the problem is completely fixed yet. We'd like to stay here until at least the summer, but I'm getting annoyed with the showings of the apartment, so I think we will definitely move this summer whether or not they have sold the place. I doubt we'll find a place with a kitchen that is quite this nice, which makes me sad. Thanks for the fist shaking. Kisses to Matilda. I hope she is all better soon.