I hope your exhausted is the good kind, that leads to a deep, refreshing sleep. How's Toto?
It did. I slept like 11 hours. I woke up a bit at 4 a.m., but kept myself in bed. I fell back asleep and slept till about 7:30. YAY!
Toto is great. I was expecting him to act out yesterday with some accidents while I was at school, but he didn’t. I think he’s really glad to be home.
David, that’s craziness. I’m so sorry!
ION, it's FREAKING FREEZING here! Toto got a very quick walk.
Super yay for sleep!
and I am off and running again...
Yay for sleep! Boo for cold!
Sleep is good. Cold is ... well, cold. They're predicting snow here - a clipper system coming in. We seem to be getting an entire winter packed into February and the first week of March.
There are something like 10 engineers standing on the other side of my cube talking and talking. They are rehearsing for an interview, inclusing how they walk in the room, so they are loitering outside my cube driving me BATSHIT crazy. The iPod and headphones are NOT ENOUGH.
Yay, sleep vw!
Sorry about the annoying asshats, Suzi.
Ugh. My left eye was bugging me all day yesterday and this morning the whole left side of my face is tender and sore. I've had this happen before but I have no idea what it is. It is really grouchy-making.
They are now IN the conference room, the door is shut. I can still hear them. SNARL.
It sounds very windy and cold outside! I stayed home to fight Teh Ick. It's more precautionary than anything else. Also, I called to figure out what was up with the discrepancy between the number of pills I was prescribed and the number I actually received (and paid $40 for). Relief!
The Sears guy is here to fix our oven (hopefully).
Tom is home and will fetch me curry for lunch later.
I should do school work but it's a sick day and I don't wanna.
Took my first dose of new meds this morning. Will wait here patiently to get better in the brain.