I could probably wear some of those gauchos that were linked to as full length pants.
I am finished with my school work for the night. It's a little late due to the headache from hell and a panic attack, but it is done. Hopefully that will get me at least partial credit from my professor. For now, bedtime and trying to forget about it.
Hil, best wishes for your trip and good luck rememebering everything!
"I was hoping for inappropraite groping. Instead, I got the aisle seat and a Vernor's."
Y'know what the best part of Aimée's new tag is? She kept in the typo!
That is all. Just a quick cheap-shot-post-at-Aims-&-run kinda thing...
what gauchos are!
Huh. Yeah, I can see Aimee would rock those.
On me, however, they would look like ass. But I don't object to them philosophically.
(It is 6.45pm. I have just had my last parent meeting of the day. I'm off to have dinner now, quite possibly at the Lebanese restaurant around the corner [or maybe Sizzler...I do have a weakness for salmon steak with jacket potato and salad bar...] probably including wine. Yes.)
Oh! Except that I don't have any books with me, what with having the mad dash to unpack and pack up my school bag this morning, after getting back in last night. Hmm. Buggeration. I can't quite conceive of dining alone sans book. Um. Crap.
...it would be
to buy yet another new book. I'm reading 2 1/2 and have 4 more want-to-read-asap at home.
...okay, right, new plan. I'm going to go to the corner of the road to buy
Doctor Who
Season 1 on DVD (...I've already seen it thanks to SA giving me downloads on the iPod, but I think I want to own it on disk, and they're cheap as chips, so...) and thence back home for DVDs and home delivery. Yes.
...or maybe even just go home and watch existing DVDs. My new DVD player excitingly plays ALL my DVDs, rather than just the Thai ones. Hmm.
That's 11 weeknight games at 5:30.
We have 16 games scheduled. All the weeknight games are at 7:00. We only have 3 Saturday games because the parents get pissy if their weekends are messed up.
Ugh. Time to wake up the next shift.
I hope your exhausted is the good kind, that leads to a deep, refreshing sleep. How's Toto?
It did. I slept like 11 hours. I woke up a bit at 4 a.m., but kept myself in bed. I fell back asleep and slept till about 7:30. YAY!
Toto is great. I was expecting him to act out yesterday with some accidents while I was at school, but he didn’t. I think he’s really glad to be home.
David, that’s craziness. I’m so sorry!
ION, it's FREAKING FREEZING here! Toto got a very quick walk.
Super yay for sleep!
and I am off and running again...
Yay for sleep! Boo for cold!
Sleep is good. Cold is ... well, cold. They're predicting snow here - a clipper system coming in. We seem to be getting an entire winter packed into February and the first week of March.