The landlord plugged up the last of the closet holes today. Keeping my fingers crossed that this keeps out the smoke from now on. Other than that we went to the movie's today, ate leftovers, and watched a bunch of Buffy S3 episodes. It was a good Sunday.
Cindy, it sounds like you had a really lovely birthday. I'm glad. You most certainly deserved to have a happy day after all the sick.
Guess who managed to climb up onto the kitchen counter this evening? Toy to kids' table to countertop, nearly giving her father a heart attack. I was out, thank goodness, but I don't recall giving birth to a freakin' daredevil.
Yikes! Poor Christopher. Olivia sounds like quite the handful.
Oh, is there ANYTHING quite like Etta James singing At Last? I think not.
Nope. That song never fails to make me teary.
Obscure tomatoes. A rosemary that's been grown in North Carolina. A new kind kind of basil that's not supposed to go to seed as much. French tarragon. A weeding tool. That's on top of last week's investment in tomato cages.
Dinner at Ginger's house this summer! I love fresh herbs and tomatoes in the summer. There is nothing like it. Could you tell me what kind of basil that is? I had an awful trouble growing basil last summer.
Well, I seem to have missed the actual day for Cindy, but I'm a persistant sort:
Many happy returns of the day, Cindy! I hope you had a great 40th!
I'll join you at 40 at the end of the month.
Bloomers sound so nice for cleaning. I've been thinking of actually getting a nice Easter dress, but bloomers kind of look more fun.
Today, I was a church and noticed that a friend had gotten a lovely piece of fleece that she was using as a baby blanket, with a dark background and skulls and other designs all over it. I knew it was exactly her style, so congratulated her for finding it and asked where (JoAnn's. Go figure.). She seemed very disappointed, at first, that I wasn't disgusted by the skulls. I almost felt bad for not being disapproving. I think she got over it and was kind of tickled eventually.
Here's the basil: [link]
Tomatoes: [link] [link] [link] [link]
I have verticulum wilt in my soil, so I'm always looking for disease-resistant plants. Then I also try ones lauded for taste. They usually last until midsummer before the evil wilt gets them.
Thanks, Ginger. I love the name of the basil plant.
Another installment of "silly things Kristin's students write":
"In the story
Lord of the Flies
William Golding depicts the human nature of man."
Reality is cockblocking my muse.
I'm tempted to type up some Found Fic as a palate cleanser. (As in, found in a notebook while trying to write something else. Not good, don't care. Is something, right?)
DAMMIT! My grading just wounded me. Stoopid papercut.
(I wrote, "That's a big pocket!" next to that line.)
must be related to Duncan McLeod. We always laughed about how he'd just pull a sword out of his ass.
It's amazing how a big thing like a sword can be concealed by an artfully swirling trenchcoat and spooky shadows.
Things I have learned today: The Avenue Q soundtrack is a little too close to home when grading English papers.
What do you do with a BA in English...
It sucks to be me! it sucks to be me! Is there anybody here it doesn't suck to be?