Well, I seem to have missed the actual day for Cindy, but I'm a persistant sort:
Many happy returns of the day, Cindy! I hope you had a great 40th!
I'll join you at 40 at the end of the month.
Bloomers sound so nice for cleaning. I've been thinking of actually getting a nice Easter dress, but bloomers kind of look more fun.
Today, I was a church and noticed that a friend had gotten a lovely piece of fleece that she was using as a baby blanket, with a dark background and skulls and other designs all over it. I knew it was exactly her style, so congratulated her for finding it and asked where (JoAnn's. Go figure.). She seemed very disappointed, at first, that I wasn't disgusted by the skulls. I almost felt bad for not being disapproving. I think she got over it and was kind of tickled eventually.
Here's the basil: [link]
Tomatoes: [link] [link] [link] [link]
I have verticulum wilt in my soil, so I'm always looking for disease-resistant plants. Then I also try ones lauded for taste. They usually last until midsummer before the evil wilt gets them.
Thanks, Ginger. I love the name of the basil plant.
Another installment of "silly things Kristin's students write":
"In the story
Lord of the Flies
William Golding depicts the human nature of man."
Reality is cockblocking my muse.
I'm tempted to type up some Found Fic as a palate cleanser. (As in, found in a notebook while trying to write something else. Not good, don't care. Is something, right?)
DAMMIT! My grading just wounded me. Stoopid papercut.
(I wrote, "That's a big pocket!" next to that line.)
must be related to Duncan McLeod. We always laughed about how he'd just pull a sword out of his ass.
It's amazing how a big thing like a sword can be concealed by an artfully swirling trenchcoat and spooky shadows.
Things I have learned today: The Avenue Q soundtrack is a little too close to home when grading English papers.
What do you do with a BA in English...
It sucks to be me! it sucks to be me! Is there anybody here it doesn't suck to be?
When you find yourself singing, "Everyone's a little bit racist," you may want to put the grading pen down before you write something on a student paper that you may regret later.