I'm so sorry DJ. I hope Mr. Jane is okay.
Has anyone else ever had a disconnect with turning a certain age?
40 was no big deal, but I'm going to turn 44 this year. I'm suddenly thinking, Wow, that's grown up! I'm still a giggler! I can't be a grown up yet!
I like your inner 5 year old.
Robin, I hope the cramps have eased up and your uterus' last hurrah has tapered off to metaphorical beer bottles in the street. I'm sending the ~ma that the surgery goes easily and the healing is quick.
What awful news, DJ. That is so terrible.
Happy early b-day, Cindy!
Here is more photo silliness. Me and my bro (I'm about 8 here - nice haircut!) [link] Notice the body language. I really really really liked being an only child (sorry, Johnny!). Quintessential shot of me in the mid-90s [link] I was getting ready for a show we were doing that night. Swap out the dress for another of the same type and the boots for black kneesocks and lace up oxfords and you have pretty much every show outfit I ever wore.
Has anyone else ever had a disconnect with turning a certain age?
I'm turning 30 this summer, and that just doesn't seem real to me. I have always thought of 30 as being a real adult, and I thought my life would be in a slightly different place by now. It doesn't feel old necessarily, just odd.
Oh, DJ, darling. I'm so sorry. For you and Mr DJ. Listen to Cindy's prescription pad.
{{{DJ and Mr. DJ}}} I'm so sorry for your loss.
{{{DJ and Mr Jane}}} How awful. You are in my thoughts, bebe.
Thank you for the sympathies. I'm mostly worried for Mr. Jane's family. His uncle has attempted suicide before, and I'm sure that's got his dad on edge.
he wouldn't try to drive up there. He thinks it's better because they won't have to worry about getting him from the airport and stuff, but I think better that than to worry about something happening to him during the drive. Or, if something does happen, having to worry about that. He's just very stubborn. But, also apt to changing his mind, so I have my fingers crossed.
DJ, I'm so sorry. That's so tragic.
Hm, I think we do have some pics left on the current roll. However, I'm supposed to be doing schoolwork now!