Weekend meara…
I want to say it was something like Fenergan?
Phenergan is just a powerful anti-nausea drug, not a painkiller.
It is very often used along with a painkiller, though, to keep of the nausea. Also, there’s some research (I think…if I’m remembering correctly), that it can really increase the effectiveness of certain painkillers for migraines.
I don't come out of full anesthesia well. It takes many many hours longer than estimated, and I vomit like crazy while still under. I guess that might be morphine? Whatever, no full anesthesia for me again as I'm likely to code.
Me either. And as someone who was born with a partial cleft lip and had to have 13 surgeries before the age of 16, then two courses of ECT a few years ago, you learn the cocktail necessary to keep this from happening. Thankfully, they’ve come a long ways in anesthesiology.
Yay on de-Christmasing! I thought we were the only people left with a tree up. Stephen is promising to do it today. We shall see. The lure of football is strong, apparently.
Mine is coming down today. I hope. That’s the plan anyway. Mom and dad’s is still up and probably not coming down till at least next weekend.
Prednisone is a nasty, nasty drug, but it does the job for some things.
So very, very true. I’m terrified of it, but it’s also saved my life on several occasions. I could just live without the steroid myopathy, well, forever. I know breathing is necessary, but that was sucktacular.
I don't mean to discount her fears. But bolting is how she deals with fear and it's costing him.
Thank you for clarifying this. It is definitely a different story when you have a child involved. I hope she finds a new place soon and that things calm down. Hugs and vibes to you all to get through it.
I got darvocet at the ER about a year ago. That’s my new dream drug. I can’t have it often (well, for obvious reasons), but also ‘cause shrink says no. Not supposed to take narcotics, ‘cause they can really fuck with my mental health.
In mememe news, back home from mom and dad’s again. Quilt top is DONE! Yay! Probably will share pictures in a bit. Have to find what I did with the camera.
ita's not-boyfriend stands over you and makes you eat sensible food.
He's totally the do-that guy. Has done it for me enough times.
And to be clear, I'm
dating Brock Norris.
Damn. I want ice cream.
And I want Nutella so I could eat it with a spoon.
I don't get eating Nutella with a spoon.
I buy a jar of Nutella, thinking of it in the same category as peanut butter. Possibly I buy bananas to put it on. I bring it home, open the jar, take a knife out of the cupboard, peel the banana. Then I stick the knife into the Nutella for the purpose of spreading it on the banana.
Somehow the knife never makes it to the fruit. It ends up in my mouth.
Nutella is dangerous. I can't eat it with a spoon.
I have a few "preview" pics of the Quilt!Pink quilt, if anyone wants to look at them. This is just the top: [link]
This morning's horrible dream that woke me was the regularly re-run classic,
Christopher is Missing.
Sigh. I'd really like to wake up without my heart trying to beat a path out of my chest, tomorrow.
I did not go on an ice cream run last night because I made my own. (There were bananas in the freezer that needed to be used up, and instead of finding their way into muffins, they became ice cream. Pretty good, but I think I will have to disobey Mr Brown once again and use sugar instead of corn syrup next time. It's not that it wasn't sweet enough, but the sweetness was strange and unfamiliar.)
It [Phenergan] is very often used along with a painkiller, though, to keep of the nausea. Also, there’s some research (I think…if I’m remembering correctly), that it can really increase the effectiveness of certain painkillers for migraines.
Yep, you're remembering correctly. We give Stadol (opiate painkiller) and Phenergan together to laboring women all the time, because the Stadol is more effective when it's combined with Phenergan.
Mmm. I need to make muffins. I made blueberry syrup to go with our homemade ice cream Christmas present (best present evah!). I've been thinking about blueberry streusel muffins ever since. And this would be a good week to do it, because we're gone a lot, and it would help to have something quick I could grab when needed. Also, I need to do all the prep work for the polenta and for the three bean barley salad early anyway, so I could do the muffins then, in one big cooking extravaganza. And then be done.
I'm getting back on Weight Watchers today. I gained 10 pounds over vacation. I had hot multi-grain cereal for breakfast, I'm going to go get some soup, salad, and fruit for lunch, and I've got tofu kale stir-fry planned for dinner. Plus, I've got some black beans soaking so I can cook them in the crock pot overnight and have beans, swiss chard, and quinoa-amaranth timbales for lunch tomorrow. (Vegan Lunchbox recipes. And technically, it's quinoa-millet timbales, since I couldn't find any amaranth.)