I could probably chart my gloom and anxiety and crap by looking at my emails to Tom throughout each day. They tend to pretty accurately reflect what I'm feeling. Man, that would be one depressing task though.
Is there anyway you could have Tom do that task for you?
Gmail is working just fine for me.
I'm not vw.
Kristin, really, NOT ten days! These are the good days, fewer than 10 in a row is kind of a miracle.
And to be a little sappy, one of the reasons I'm glad I found you guys is because you can talk about ADs without whispering behind your hands or saying, for instance, that someone should shake it off, get over it, be committed, or be the star of an exorcism. All of which I've heard. ADs weren't an option. I didn't even blink at saying I'm on Wellbutrin, which is pretty amazing now that I think about it. I flinched a lot the last time I took part in an AD conversation.
Sometimes being a girl sucks.
Oh Robin! How sucktastic! I am so sorry!
Robin, that's just not fair.
lisah, but we were just discussing your errors in judgment in LJ.
It's true...maybe "publically" is right! It's like I don't know English at all anymore!
Besides, everyone knows musicians are on the drugs.
I wish!
i'd like some today. I just went on a field trip to the building we are moving into in a couple of weeks and it sucks in pretty much every way. It will make my commute longer. It's in an industrial area of Jessup (which, shoutout to erika, is where the state prison is) with nothing in walking distance and very little in easy driving distance. And the worst part: my little team's cubes have low walls and are right by the bathrooms AND the kitchen AND are as far away as physically possible from our boss' office (this is a bad thing). I am a WRITER! I can't have a low-walled cube in a high traffic area!!!! I am shaking with the fury.
My boss is mad too but the decisions about where we should sit where made at a higher level than him.
I've made plans to work on my resume this weekend with my best friend who is also a tech writer and, in a timely coincidence, got back from our field trip to find an email from a writer friend of mine who works at NASA saying that a position was opening in his area there. I'd love to work in Baltimore, really, but now I'm thinking I just need to be working anywhere but here.
lisah, you should lobby to get high-walled cubicles. That is not an expensive fix, considering all the other indignities.
Higher ups sometimes act like it doesn't matter where people work as long as they have a desk and a computer. But that's bullshit, and you're hitting a trifecta of craplitude on these changes. They'll significantly lower the quality of your life at work. Commute, workspace, layout, neighborhood - they all factor in.
Scrappy's uterus is a bit of a drama queen, I think. Making a big fuss and exit.
you should lobby to get high-walled cubicles. That is not an expensive fix, considering all the other indignities.
Supposedly it's to help the "airflow" in the office. hah!
They'll significantly lower the quality of your life at work. Commute, workspace, layout, neighborhood - they all factor in.
I think maybe it's a sign that I need to get my act together and get serious about finding another position. I will have been here for 7 years in May.
Change is scary though and I worry about having the skills to do anything else! (it's silly but true)
Change is scary though and I worry about having the skills to do anything else! (it's silly but true)
But you have the skill to rock and roll and look hot doing it! That's the greatest gift of all.