lisah, you should lobby to get high-walled cubicles. That is not an expensive fix, considering all the other indignities.
Higher ups sometimes act like it doesn't matter where people work as long as they have a desk and a computer. But that's bullshit, and you're hitting a trifecta of craplitude on these changes. They'll significantly lower the quality of your life at work. Commute, workspace, layout, neighborhood - they all factor in.
Scrappy's uterus is a bit of a drama queen, I think. Making a big fuss and exit.
you should lobby to get high-walled cubicles. That is not an expensive fix, considering all the other indignities.
Supposedly it's to help the "airflow" in the office. hah!
They'll significantly lower the quality of your life at work. Commute, workspace, layout, neighborhood - they all factor in.
I think maybe it's a sign that I need to get my act together and get serious about finding another position. I will have been here for 7 years in May.
Change is scary though and I worry about having the skills to do anything else! (it's silly but true)
Change is scary though and I worry about having the skills to do anything else! (it's silly but true)
But you have the skill to rock and roll and look hot doing it! That's the greatest gift of all.
But you have the skill to rock and roll and look hot doing it! That's the greatest gift of all.
Sadly, it does not pay the vet bills! Or the mortgage.
Robin! I'm sorry your uterus is putting up such a fight. I hope that makes the first month when you are fully recovered and your body is not attacking you from within all the more sweet.
I agree with Hec. Lisah is wicked smart and extremey rocking--those are skills which can be useful in many work environments.
In what is an extremely annoying bit of timing, I am spending the last five days before my hysterectomy having my period. That means I get to try to finish up all the work I need to before I go away for three weeks and get to all my pre-op appointments while feeling crampy and emotional and headachy. Feh.
The upside is that I wil be really REALLY ready to say goodbye to my uterus.
Yeah, I guess. I'm sorry that happened Robin.
Gah! Robin, I'm so sorry.
Would it make you feel any better to know that you don't have to grade all these papers?
Password deleted for privacy.
It DOES make me feel better, K! Although props on a very tidy and inviting desk.
Although props on a very tidy and inviting desk.
Well, cleaning the dining room table and neatly stacking all of the work to be done was a nice way to avoid
the real work.