> I recently switched from "pubically" to "publicly" because my students' dictionaries all spelled it the latter way. It bugs the heck out of me, but I'm trying to get used to it.
But if you don't stand up, who will? You're letting the prescriptivists win!
we had a lovely lunch! SO GOOD to see The Bug again. wheee!
Also, my dr. appt. was good. Also, Aimee, it turns out I *wasn't* taking the Extended Release, as I thought, so you were right, that's exactly what he prescribed for me to take all first thing in the morning.
Yay, Nora! I'm glad you were able to get that fixed without a lot of hassel. I hope you are able to sleep with the new pills.
Oh that is good news Nora. I was worried about you. How many milligrams is he having you take?
Nora, that's great news.
But if you don't stand up, who will? You're letting the prescriptivists win!
Right. When they came for
you remained silent, because you were private. Then the came for
with a second
and there was nobody left to speak for you.
At least not publically.
You people crack me up.
Also, Nora is so lovely. We had a great lunch. There was good food too!
I am laughing and laughing at my church right now. I shouldn't be, but I am. They're so funny.
I'm currently on 300mg, and that's increasing to 450mg. Because I also need more.
It was an excellent meeting, I'm pleased both with my ability to communicate stuff and with his responsiveness.
I'm to call him next week if my sleeping doesn't improve, then we discuss plan B.
I shouldn't be, but I am. They're so funny.
Well then you should be laughing at them!
(wishing I was at vw's dozing on her couch)