I'm currently on 300mg, and that's increasing to 450mg. Because I also need more.
It was an excellent meeting, I'm pleased both with my ability to communicate stuff and with his responsiveness.
I'm to call him next week if my sleeping doesn't improve, then we discuss plan B.
I shouldn't be, but I am. They're so funny.
Well then you should be laughing at them!
(wishing I was at vw's dozing on her couch)
Cindy is dead to me. I declare it publicly.
t tacklehugs vw
It's so good to see you back, hon.
It's so good to read that your appointment went well, Nora. Yay communication! I knew lunch would be wonderful.
Also, wish I was napping on vw's couch.
Thanks, Kristin! It's good to be back.
How goes the grading?
Also, everyone should go post to my "informal poll": [link]
Cindy is dead to me. I declare it publicly.
Hey! I didn't even mock you for writing 'PUBICally' in your earlier post:
I recently switched from "pubically" to "publicly" because my students' dictionaries all spelled it the latter way. It bugs the heck out of me, but I'm trying to get used to it.
I...um...I did it on PURPOSE! To see if you were spell-checking!
Nora, I'm so glad that you found a solution! I've been having issues with Claritan D interfering with my sleep (the 24-hour extended relief just isn't working for me), so I think I'm going to have to go with the 12-hour...wait a second. When did this become all about me? Um. Nora, I'm so glad you've found a solution.
I'm on 300 mg right now. I mentioned the possibility of upping it to my doctor, but I haven't had 10 days of unrelenting gloom in a row, so she said she'd rather wait and see. We're holding on until spring when everything gets better.