Thoughts of gazing at the ocean and being a beach bum sounds like a nice way to drift off to sleep tonight. In your own bed!
Ugh, I have to go do dishes and get to bed myself. I haven't managed to get to bed by 10 the last couple nights, and it needs to happen.
G'night Bitches!
What a great way to spend a summer!
I KNOW! I'm so psyched about it. And E is such a sweetie. We're birthday buddies, so we're kind of kindred spirits.
Boy, I'm really missing L.
I'm sorry you're missing L. It's really kind of lovely that you clicked so well with someone in such a short time.
Are you watching VM? Scott's doing some work, so I'm waiting for him, but I don't want to wait much longer.
Ooh. I'm very jealous. I would like to go to St Thomas for the summer. Heck, for a week. I'm thinking I really need a vacation. But I also need a few days at home, to have time to both sit around and feel lazy, AND time to do stuff like pay bills and do laundry....
Working on your book in St. Thomas sounds wonderful, vw! What a fine prospect.
St. Thomas? Go, vw. Buy a nice piece of jewelry at bargain prices.
It's really kind of lovely that you clicked so well with someone in such a short time.
Yeah, it really is. We're close to each other in age and situations. And apparently we have quite the snoring contests.
Are you watching VM?
Yeah. It's interesting...
Buy a nice piece of jewelry at bargain prices.
So true!
Finally home!
Had to stay late because of jackholes. Seriously, WTF is wrong with people this week?
Had to stay late because of jackholes.
Boy, your office sure doesn't make it easy for working people, do they?