I just bought vegan hiking boots! Well, two pairs actually, because I'm going to return one, since I'm not sure whether I'm a 6 or a 6 1/2 in their sizing. (Boots are recommended for the trip to Israel, and having totally destroying my ankles last time, I'm not going to take a chance on trying it in just sneakers this time.)
The internet is a wondrous thing.
Go get wet, Lee!!!!!
I did!
Still working on the dressing part though.
Yo, get on the road, woman. Naked works.
What do you want for dinner?
Snarl - fricking fracking team mates. Why are some people so freaking lazy?!?!?
End mini-rant.
Sorry about the lazy team mates, Suzi.
Enjoy the concert, Bayistas!
I'm off to get my sleep studied. Wish me poor sleep! (Odd thing to request, but if I go and have the best night of sleep ever, this will all be for naught.)
Restless sleep~ma Kristin! Read the Sorority story linked above that should keep you awake.
I've just been asked to bid on a new project: to design a book cover for a POD 3 book series of study guides, design and build a website to sell the books and the author, and plan and implement a marketing campaign for it. It's a little scary. While I've done most of those things, I haven't done them all together at once and it's a little daunting. I'm excited about it, though.
Awww, Deena, you're a great designer. I see your work all over my flist.
Our third practice was today - we squeezed it in before the rain. Emmett was sour and pouty about the morning practice. My early faith that I've got a team of defensive wizards took a hit when we tried some situational coaching. We ran practice plays and they ran around bumping into each other. Oh well - it takes a little while to reacquaint yourself with a rundown rotation. But they had looked so good at the cut-off drills!
Gee, Tep, I hope your committee chairman is a bottom. You can take some aggro out on his bee-hind.
Gee, Tep, I hope your committee chairman is a bottom. You can take some aggro out on his bee-hind.
He's not. He's a Dom who likes to be addressed as "Sir [Name]," which is a classic symptom of Dom's Disease. Meaning -- dude has a WAY overinflated ego attached to the position he's assigned himself.
Meaning -- dude has a WAY overinflated ego attached to the position he's assigned himself.
I don't
like this guy.
ION, I got drilled in the ribs by a line drive during batting practice. It made a nice meaty thwump. Dario then yelled, "Emmett! You owe me one! I just hit your dad with a line drive."
And they wonder why we take such vicious delight in rousing them out of bed early on Saturday when they're teenagers.
In Other Other News, JZ is overwhelmed with her love and amazement at Matilda. Constantly. She's in a never ending state of bogglement broken up by bouts of utter despair (which are directly tied to the less sleeping nights). There's some frazzled in there too.
My sister was a DZ in Denton Texas. Oddly enough that was where she met a girl who didn't understand why the N word was offensive. In her defense she said, "that's just what everyone calls them."