Meaning -- dude has a WAY overinflated ego attached to the position he's assigned himself.
I don't
like this guy.
ION, I got drilled in the ribs by a line drive during batting practice. It made a nice meaty thwump. Dario then yelled, "Emmett! You owe me one! I just hit your dad with a line drive."
And they wonder why we take such vicious delight in rousing them out of bed early on Saturday when they're teenagers.
In Other Other News, JZ is overwhelmed with her love and amazement at Matilda. Constantly. She's in a never ending state of bogglement broken up by bouts of utter despair (which are directly tied to the less sleeping nights). There's some frazzled in there too.
My sister was a DZ in Denton Texas. Oddly enough that was where she met a girl who didn't understand why the N word was offensive. In her defense she said, "that's just what everyone calls them."
We just got back from our frineds F and J . - they had us over for dinner. F makes the best martinis . as in I had three. there was wine with dinner. ummm.. I have no idea how DH could drive the 4 blocks home.
I am verrry happy. yes the extra rs are deliberate.
I need to sober up before bed.
yes, i love everyone. this is the mandatory post.
In Other Other News, JZ is overwhelmed with her love and amazement at Matilda. Constantly. She's in a never ending state of bogglement broken up by bouts of utter despair (which are directly tied to the less sleeping nights). There's some frazzled in there too.
Sounds par for the course. I was just thinking today of how intense the hormonal connection between mother and baby is.
Live music rocks my socks!!!! Lee is a stoner and juliana is a dork. And Seger puts on a hell of a show.
Stoned, maybe, but not intentionally.
Yay for sock rockin' music for stoned dorks!
Aw, I'm glad you guys had a good time at the concert. I love Bob Seger. The one concert I went to I didn't sit in my seat the whole time. I don't think anyone did. Good times.
Yay for a good concert! That sounds like it was a whole load of fun, and with company like that--icing on the cake.
Thanks, Hec. You made my day.
Yay, for concert fun!
Dinner went well last night. The food was done when it was supposed to be, and everyone had a good time. It's like I am being organized or an adult or something. Weird.