Plei, you stopped drinking sodas too, right?
I never did drink them much, and all I drink's the occasional diet one.
I did that and it became very unhealthy for me. I became too fixated on the numbers. How my clothes fit is a better indicator/motivator for me.
See, clothing fitting doesn't motivate me enough--it's too easy to slide back into bad habits. With weighing myself, I have a range in any given milestone area that I deem the Okay Range, and do the thing where I kind of average it out over the week, as it's going to vary some.
If I'm creeping to the upper ends, it's time to cut back on things again.
Plei! Guess what I'm about to watch?
Plei, did you get a package from me some weeks back?
Me, I'm trying to decide between more OC or more Life on Mars. I think the English will win.
A) JA is much more attractive now than he was in DA. Less pretty, but much more attractive.
B) it's weird hearing his voice come out of that boy's mouth.
Plei, did you get a package from me some weeks back?
Yes! And keep meaning to find my thank you cards. Sigh.
Lillian took one look and said, "On?"
Then she tried putting it on her legs as pants.
A) JA is much more attractive now than he was in DA. Less pretty, but much more attractive.
A little wear around the edges helps.
PS, Lee, had you seen this? [link]
We don't keep a well-stocked bar--just some Jim, Jack & José and usually I keep a bottle of white zin chilled.
I love the way you worded this, Cashmere. And hey, you stock your bar better than we do. We generally have a bottle of Kahlua (which gets dipped into about three times a year) and whatever bottle of red wine we're working at the time.
Eating less and exercising more. Sadly. I changed my diet fairly radically, stopped snacking as much.
I'm with Maria. I want the magic pill. Or painless surgery with zero recovery time. I'm not fussy.
I love having a stocked liquor cabinet, even though I almost never drink anything but beer or wine at home.
From memory, because I'm lazy, I've got a couple of vodkas, tequila, Kahlua, Malibu, Sailor Jerry rum (won that in bar trivia), Fernet, raspberry pucker (someone left that here), Drambuie, Crown Royal, Jameson, Bacardi apple (my newest drug of choice), and Laphroaig. Oh, and Sail, I've still got some of that ponche left.
And honestly, occasionally I'll take a glass of Drambuie or something into the bath, but otherwise I almost never touch any of it. And even so, I'm sitting here plotting out what I'm missing. Gin, for starters.
PS, Lee, had you seen this?
They're very pretty, aren't they? JP is much more attractive than Sam.
Hey, did the bowling dress Kat and I bought ever fit Lillian?
Looks like Big storm is only grazing us. We were supposed to get several inches of snow last night but seem to have gotten only a bit. Second wave comes tonight.
But that's not the whole story.
The weather reports have been in panic mode for the last few days. some computer models were saying that when the storms were over we could have up to 18 inches of snow. Other said ice, others said sleet, then snow.
The winter storm warning went into effect at 6 pm Friday night and isn't set to expire until 6 pm Sunday.
When I left work at 7:30 pm last night it was powerful windy, and I fought to keep my Lumina van on the road. Then as I traveled the 52 miles back home, The real weather started.
First there was sleet around Burnsville. This was followed by hail as I passed Lakeville turning back to hard pellets of snow before I got too far, then back to rain. As I left Lakeville, the pavement was dry and I picked up some speed, battling the high winds, but making headway.
As I approached the Northfield exit, lightning and thundersnow was on the menu, and I drove over some crunchy packed snow ice pellet stuff.
Finally the road was a bit drier the last twelve miles, and back tot he crunchy stuff at the exit to Faribault. I carefully eased off the interstate and drove home with the weird sound like driving over cereal.
An hour later Andi made it home from Northfield, and we settled down to watch the DVD for "Oliver's Travels" I got from the library on Thursday (Oh forethought, how thee serve me well).
This morning we woke up to the still-raging wind, and a icy glazing over our east side windows. Alas,this means our vehicles will also have the glaze, as they are pointing in the same direction.
Not that we want to go out into the windswept freezing tundra. Might have to some time, but let the sand trucks get a leg up on it all, first.
Time to make some hot cocoa for Andi.....