Um, so, I have a pretty good chance of meeting MCR at the Seattle show. I contacted the local field marketing rep for their record label, and she said that she needs help at the show for handing out fliers and posters and whatnot, and that if I can help her do that, she'll put me on her list for the Meet & Greet.
I'm SOOOO Super Dooooper excited for you!
And a basic, all-around grope of Bitches is what I'm giving out righttabout now.
t randomly puts hands on hips
My sister has my
soundtrack. In Michigan. Dammit. Buy another one?
My sister has my Newsies soundtrack. In Michigan. Dammit. Buy another one?
For the love of God, NO!!
That was rhetorical. dear.
That was rhetorical. dear.
Well, still. In the name of all that is good in this world, NO!!
We'll see what happens the next time you want to buy some wacko movie score.
Suddenly, the main title from "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" was heard drifting across the landscape.
We'll see what happens the next time you want to buy some wacko movie score.
Oh, like my begging on the behalf of all humanity is going to stop you buying the Newsies soundtrack.