Ugh. What is wrong with people? I can't ever imagine saying that to someone (unless I was teasing).
My dad says stuff like that. OK, he doesn't know I lost my faith, but he says things like he'd hate it if I went to hell and spent eternity with the wailing and the gnashing of teeth and the not being near Jesus.
Stuff like that is why I haven't told my parents I don't believe in God. It would just upset them greatly, for no purpose.
I keep forgetting to {{{{{{sj}}}}}}.
Suzi, yay for having a good lunch with poppa.
It's more important that MCR gets to met Jilli.
So true.
What is wrong with people?
Cindy - I should clarify that dad was saying that maybe that is where they were coming from.
As for my cousin's statement, she said that when she was going through a period of serious fanatic faith - having just been caught having an affair, with the youth pastor. So it was taken with a mountain of salt.
Suzi, I can't imagine having a conversation like that with my father. It just isn't done. So I'm with you on the mind-boggleyness of it all. I'm glad it was good.
sj, hooray for calming baths.
MCR will squee like a bunch of fanboys when they meet the headmistress of the Gothic Charm School. So say we all.
she said that when she was going through a period of serious fanatic faith - having just been caught having an affair, with the youth pastor.
Ok, I probably shouldn't laugh, but...
Hee hee!
Suzi, your conversation with your dad sounds ... well, nothing like a conversation I would have with my dad, that's for sure.
MCR will squee like a bunch of fanboys when they meet the headmistress of the Gothic Charm School. So say we all.
That would make me insanely giddy. I don't know if it's terribly likely, but I can hope.
Suzi, your conversation with your dad sounds ... well, nothing like a conversation I would have with my dad, that's for sure.
I'm looking for the pod, personally.
watches the roof burn.
hands Vortex some Fernet, 'cause we don't need no water
shoots Fernet
Let that motherf*** burn!