I mentioned something about the family drama between me, mom and my cousins. He proposed that their feelings are coming from their faith. Mom and I don't go to church so we are lost causes, in their eyes. I told him that a few years back one of my cousins had told me that "she has nightmares of me going to Hell since I didn't have faith".
Ugh. What is wrong with people? I can't ever imagine saying that to someone (unless I was teasing).
Then my dad says....."shoot hell is more fun".
Good on your dad!
My Chemical Romance. Jilli's #1 boy band.
That's right. I knew I was going to feel like an idiot for asking, but I couldn't place the initials. Yay, Jilli! I hope you do get to meet them.
Ugh. What is wrong with people? I can't ever imagine saying that to someone (unless I was teasing).
My dad says stuff like that. OK, he doesn't know I lost my faith, but he says things like he'd hate it if I went to hell and spent eternity with the wailing and the gnashing of teeth and the not being near Jesus.
Stuff like that is why I haven't told my parents I don't believe in God. It would just upset them greatly, for no purpose.
I keep forgetting to {{{{{{sj}}}}}}.
Suzi, yay for having a good lunch with poppa.
It's more important that MCR gets to met Jilli.
So true.
What is wrong with people?
Cindy - I should clarify that dad was saying that maybe that is where they were coming from.
As for my cousin's statement, she said that when she was going through a period of serious fanatic faith - having just been caught having an affair, with the youth pastor. So it was taken with a mountain of salt.
Suzi, I can't imagine having a conversation like that with my father. It just isn't done. So I'm with you on the mind-boggleyness of it all. I'm glad it was good.
sj, hooray for calming baths.
MCR will squee like a bunch of fanboys when they meet the headmistress of the Gothic Charm School. So say we all.
she said that when she was going through a period of serious fanatic faith - having just been caught having an affair, with the youth pastor.
Ok, I probably shouldn't laugh, but...
Hee hee!
Suzi, your conversation with your dad sounds ... well, nothing like a conversation I would have with my dad, that's for sure.
MCR will squee like a bunch of fanboys when they meet the headmistress of the Gothic Charm School. So say we all.
That would make me insanely giddy. I don't know if it's terribly likely, but I can hope.