You guys aren't selling the IUD very well. ijs.
It sounds weird, but I can deal much better with big, whole muscle pain (at least that's the way I think of it) like childbirth, but sharp, whitehot pain, like a toothache, or what you're describing? That makes me want to run screaming. Far, far away.
The weirdest thing is that my new GYN up here actually told me at my last checkup that I probably didn't need them anymore, because I had been sexually monogamous for more than twenty years, and then cited all the evidence about cervical cancer and the human papilloma (I have no idea if I spelled that right) virus and it being sexually transmitted, blah blah.
This is exactly what my mom's doctor told her so my mom skipped a year on her yearly. Now she's in the middle of all the testing for various and sundry badness.
You guys aren't selling the IUD very well. ijs.
Well, once it's in, there's some cramping for a little bit -- just like normal menstrual cramps -- and then it's all good.
It sounds weird, but I can deal much better with big, whole muscle pain (at least that's the way I think of it) like childbirth, but sharp, whitehot pain, like a toothache, or what you're describing? That makes me want to run screaming. Far, far away.
Yeah, but -- it happens, and then it's over. BAM! AIEEEEEEEEE! Done.
I had done my obsessive reading before getting it inserted, so I knew to expect pain when having it done. However, if I hadn't been prepared for that, I might have passed out.
Yikes, Aimee. That's something the doctors should consider before telling patients to skip it.
I had done my obsessive reading before getting it inserted, so I knew to expect pain when having it done. However, if I hadn't been prepared for that, I might have passed out.
Yeah, if it's going to be over quick I can probably handle. I just HATE anything pinchy and sharp and nerve-ending-affecting. Good to be prepared for it, whenever I can scrape up the money to get one.
So happy to have all that stuff behind me now. Of course, old age comes with other not fun things. But I am delighted to never again think about birth control. Unless I had a reason to think I had a problem I am in no rush to ever get a pap smear again either. I've had like 30 some ok ones. Enough already.
I must say there were some that were completely painless, as in I didn't even know they had done it. Others Ouch! With the pain and the spotting. I have to credit the good doctors for the painless ones.
My brief IUD experience was too painful to want to ever recall.
I have a feeling I might be bringing a lot of vegan baked goods into the office in the next few weeks.
I'm sorry, your office is where again?
For the Daniel Radcliffe lovers:
this has a link to the full nude shot of DR. I don't care, myself, but thought someone might like it.
eta: Scroll down, you'll find it. The site also has a link to Britney's freakout with the umbrella.
mmmmm, Daniel.
I wonder how many people are freaked because he's uncircumcised?
I had done my obsessive reading before getting it inserted, so I knew to expect pain when having it done. However, if I hadn't been prepared for that, I might have passed out.
I was warned that lightheadedness and passing out were possible side effects!
But it is over really fast, and then it's golden. I forget it's even there.