So happy to have all that stuff behind me now. Of course, old age comes with other not fun things. But I am delighted to never again think about birth control. Unless I had a reason to think I had a problem I am in no rush to ever get a pap smear again either. I've had like 30 some ok ones. Enough already.
I must say there were some that were completely painless, as in I didn't even know they had done it. Others Ouch! With the pain and the spotting. I have to credit the good doctors for the painless ones.
My brief IUD experience was too painful to want to ever recall.
I have a feeling I might be bringing a lot of vegan baked goods into the office in the next few weeks.
I'm sorry, your office is where again?
For the Daniel Radcliffe lovers:
this has a link to the full nude shot of DR. I don't care, myself, but thought someone might like it.
eta: Scroll down, you'll find it. The site also has a link to Britney's freakout with the umbrella.
mmmmm, Daniel.
I wonder how many people are freaked because he's uncircumcised?
I had done my obsessive reading before getting it inserted, so I knew to expect pain when having it done. However, if I hadn't been prepared for that, I might have passed out.
I was warned that lightheadedness and passing out were possible side effects!
But it is over really fast, and then it's golden. I forget it's even there.
JZ found that having her cervix checked was the most painful part of the birth experience.
As for myself, I've never had a speculum experience for which I am grateful and feel lucky that I only have the occasional prostate check. ("Bend over baby, and let me drive.")
I'm just not working today. I'm dressed to work. I'm sitting at my desk. Not doing shit.
t ramble
Random moments in LoL (life of laura). My sister wrote me an email today asking me why I didn't remind her it was my birthday yesterday when she called me. She calls me about 3 times a year. I thought that was why she called. No, she was just calling to tell me she was coming to visit next month and didn't realize what day it was until later. Also, I was biting ridges in my tongue over my GF's bad life decisions last weekend. It ended up worse than I anticipated so I have assured her that I won't be so restrained if there is a next time. Of course there will be a next time and she will ask me to not give her a bad time about it. But I will, and she'll do it anyway. The only dif being that I won't feel bad for not having been more vocal.
t /ramble
I wonder how many people are freaked because he's uncircumcised?
he's English, why would they be?
I looked at the naked youth. Apparently he wanted me to. He still looks really really young to me. Too young to be interesting.