Actually breakfast is at 7:30. Dinner went well. It was the head of the sound program (Who was my mentor and who is pushing for me to get this job) and two other professors. I think was a good dinner.
Now I'm going to go through my Keynote display for my portfolio presentation tomorrow afternoon and obsess about that for a bit.
Good luck tomorrow, ND.
(Was that egg one of the new orange flavored Cadbury eggs?)
I don't think I sent ma~~~ to vw, but I did , just not out loud.
ION, I have the best DH. Tonight is Open Mike at a local ( meaning 15 min walking) restaurant. WE haven't been in a few weeks, so we went. But lovely man that he is , he remember that I was tired - and offered to take me home durring the break. I wouldn't have asked, but the minute he asked I could feel my body say - go home,go home...
stupid cold, smart DH
All the interview~ma I've got is headed your way, ND. I even bogarted the rest of the family's....
Much ~ma to vw as well.
You've got a good one there, beth. I'd keep him around.
I think it's cool that ND is interviewing at UCI. That's where I went to grad school, so I'm rooting for him. Not that you'd want to live in Irvine, but hey, Laguna's nice.
Hey Kristin, did you mean it about the GS cookies? I so want some.
Interview~ma to ND.
Ow. Stupid sinuses. Can't get to sleep.
I'm watching Bells of St. Mary's. Bing Crosby is repairing a marriage between two people who've been separated for twelve years by singing a song to them. There was another movie I watched a little while ago (I think it was called Going My Way) where he was also a priest, and he convinced a young couple who'd been living in sin to get married, also by singing a song. I love musicals, but all this is a bit much.
Good luckClear thinking, ND.
Echoing ita's brand of ma, ND.
waves of ~ma headed to ND and vw
x-post from Natter (since I put it there in my state of gronk)
Good luck today, ND!