Thanks, Kristin. You just nailed the feelings. I've bookmarked it, now.
vw, best of luck to you. You're in my thoughts.
Yes, my Papa is the best. He used to take me out for lobsters all the time when I was little, and if I didn't eat the whole thing, it didn't matter because he would make pasta sauce from the leftovers. We had a nice dinner tonight at a new restaurant in RI. The food was good; unfortunately the service was lousy from the time that the waiter saw that we weren't going to order alcohol. I'm home now. The headache is finally going away.
food was good; unfortunately the service was lousy from the time that the waiter saw that we weren't going to order alcohol.
Oh, that makes me mad. There are other ways to get the tab up there--dessert for instance!
if I didn't eat the whole thing, it didn't matter because he would make pasta sauce from the leftovers.
Oh, man, that's great!
I went to the store to get milk and ended up going on a search for a box of Sofia cans (Mommy Juice Boxes). I found them at a liquor store near the grocery. They are chilling in the fridge right now.
Interview~ma for ND.
ND got picked up at his hotel by the committee about a half an hour ago. Man, they have him scheduled tonight and ALL day tomorrow, from breakfast at 8AM until a tech rehearsal that goes until 10PM. It's down to only 2-3 final professor candidates, though, and this is I guess they want to make damned good and sure they pick the right person.
I so want him to get this job. The commute will suck for one or both of us, but I think it's a really good match for him. Plus, not having to worry about his lack of health benefits anymore would be a blessing.
Oof, that's a brutal interview schedule, but it means they're extremely serious and extremely interested. ND gets all the job~ma I've got.
All the rest of my ~ma is headed eastward to vw.
Oh yes. Lots of ~ma to vw for sure.
Oh ick. I really should not have ventured past an Easter display with PMS. That Cadbury Egg seemed like such a good idea at the time. Blech.
Man, they have him scheduled tonight and ALL day tomorrow, from breakfast at 8AM until a tech rehearsal that goes until 10PM. It's down to only 2-3 final professor candidates, though, and this is I guess they want to make damned good and sure they pick the right person.
This is a typical interview schedule for a tenure track position. It's a potentially lifelong position, so it's important that both the department and the candidate have all of the information that they need. Most of the time is the department trying to sell the opportunity. They're already familiar with the candidate's work.
Cadbury Egg
Oh, no. Must. Resist.
Darn you, wee Kristin. I had been able to ignore their likely increased availability, but now you have dashed that to bits.
In school news, I'm just finishing my Part I Financial Accounting class. I've had fun. I like playing with numbers. But almost everyone else in class is struggling. It makes me want to giggle. I am not a nice person.
Rick, yep, we know. It's not a done deal until it's done, though, so we're still keeping fingers and toes crossed.
Darn you, wee Kristin. I had been able to ignore their likely increased availability, but now you have dashed that to bits.
I'm sorry, Suzi! If it's any consolation, it will probably only take one to tide you over for another year. I've definitely hit my quota.