(because I bet it's the argument with women who haven't had dicksex that makes for the most disgruntlement)
Reminds me of the very funny conversation a lesbian friend had with medical staff about what kind of birth control she used. They would not accept "I do not have sex with men" as an answer.
I've learned that I'm going to have a pregnancy test every time I walk into the ER, urgent care, or GYN. No matter what I'm there for. It's just a part of life.
Can't you pee on a stick for less than $40?
The blood test is more accurate, and can give you results sooner than the pee-sticks.
Still, it seems that if it's something the clinic insists on to cover its own ass (i.e. not giving treatment or whatever potentially harmful to a fetus), it should be their responsibility to cover the cost.
I would write a strongly worded letter at the very least.
Also, I think sending Taco Bell FedEx is just funny enough to attempt.
Ok. Whine ahead.
They may not be able to evaluate me till 9:00pm tonight. I've been up since 2:30am, and I'm trying very hard not to nap so I might actually sleep tonight. But, I don't know if I can make it till 9.
when does that mean you're going in, vw?
What about a half hour nap? It's still pretty early. Is that too much of a risk?
Yeah, I might need to. I just confirmation that it's gonna be 9:00pm, so I need to do something to make the rest of the day manageable.
hrm. I'm not sure what advice to give on the sleeping thing. My own gut reaction is... 'cause you're so tired and sleep deprived right now... is to try to nap? But I totally understand wanting to get back onto a schedule... I guess it's a question of figuring out if that's likely to happen.
Which of course is hard to do with no sleep! {{vw}}