Heh. Poor tommyrot -- answering my question in two places. The phrase frozen fog brings quite the visual. I picture people walking along then hitting a wall, made of fog.
vw, ugh -- no washer for two weeks. That stinks.
Hell, yeah! That was somethin'! eta: I hope they get it up on the site soon. I was starting to fade towards the end; I want to watch again.
Me, too. It's February vacation though, so although I have it on the TiVo, I can't exactly watch it while the kids are up.
vw, ugh -- no washer for two weeks. That stinks.
Yeah. I took one big load to the Big Spin place down the street last week sometime, but still. I've got it piled up.
So, who's gonna entertain me for the next hour? I'm all anxious, but don't want to take another Ativan.
I picture people walking along then hitting a wall, made of fog.
This is what I thought of immediately, too.
I need to catch up on Heroes and Veronica Mars sometime today. Maybe if the kids nap at the same time. I also have a SPN DVD to watch.
Owen is obsessed with forks. He goes through about six a day. Getting them out of the drawer for snacks, and meals. He only wants to eat with "big people" forks. He'll wander off in the middle of a meal and I've been finding forks all over the house.
I'm gonna take up smoking! This morning's brain strain on my radio station was, "People who do this have less dreams than those who don't." The answer was smoking. I'm totally taking up smoking again. Maybe it'll shut my brain up.
{{vw}} I totally want to read sweet bedtime stories to you so you will get some rest.
No Smoking!
Why did I schedule two hours of office hours today?
Will someone remind me that I'm not the world's worst daughter?
She asks me when my last period was, and it was too long ago for her to believe me that I'm not pregnant. I tell her there's no way I possibly could be pregnant. She still wouldn't give me the shot until I took a pregnancy test.
Hil, I think you should complain to TPTB for the health center. She was essentially calling you a liar and forcing a $40 test on you. Just wrong.
vw, you are not the world's worst daughter. You are a thoughtful and helpful daughter.