Didn't skip, but it took me a while.
Yay! Baby boy for Jess and E! Boys are nice.
Robin, I had the surgery for fibroids, and was pretty much textbook all the way. They told me six weeks recovery, and that's what it was. No undue pain, just the weakness, etc., and regaining strength. And the difference between before and after in living my life was like night and day. I hope whatever course you take works out as well for you. Or better!
All sympathies to sickies, and get-better-soon vibes.
Beej, how's Bartleby today? I hope the problem is now, um passed. Uneventfully.
Ooh, bowl of chocolate chips sounds like just the thing! Sigh. Off to make oatmeal.
Are any of the hair color mavens around and in the mood to advise?
I used Clairol Natural Instincts 28-day color yesterday in... something brownish reddish. Yeah, not a becoming reddish on me at. all. And given that my grays have multiplied, it's a lot red and not so much brown. I hate it.
My plan is to get a medium to dark brown (L'Oreal Color Spa is what I usually use, and it seems to me that it dries my hair out less than the Natural Instincts did) 28-day color and color over this mess. Like, today. Is that reasonable? Too soon/pointless because the color won't take or something?
Any help, greatly appreciated.
Many thanks for the good ~ma. I stared at Bartleby for hours and he seemed a bit...uh...lethargic. But, in the end, it seems to be okay. There was evidence this morning that he had, in fact, ingested (as opposed to my desperate fantasy that he'd spit it out once the glass cut his mouth) some of the shards. Whitefonted for the squick:
there was some mucous, which means there was irritation...but thank goodness there was no blood.
He seems okay today and I'm giving him more pumpkin just in case.
Not much sleep will make today's march a bit weary...but the relief is great.
Thanks again.
Oh, Beej, I'm so glad to hear that. So scary.
edited: not scary enough, though, to add an extra "r" in scary.
{{{Beej}}} {{{Bartleby}}}
After two weeks of being gone from the delership, it's nice to know that my seething rage towards most of the customers has not gone away!! Yay seething rage!
Oooo...does this mean we'll get to hear stories and smites all day? I love those!
Glad Bartleby is OK, Beej.
The first story of the day:
Caller: Is [service manager there]?
Me: No, I'm sorry. She's not in today.
C: Is [general sales manager] in?
M: I'm sorry, but I'm not sure if he'll be in today.
C: Is [internal advisor] in?
M: I'm sorry, but she isn't. However [asst service manager] is in today. Can I connect you to his voice mail and he'll return your call?
C: If he's there, why do I need his voice mail?
M: Because he's not standing in front of me.
C: Nevermind.
Glad Bartleby seems fine! Dogs and their compulsion to eat everything, it's a weird lack of self-preservation they have.
Ok. Girls with Mirena, got a question. I'll whitefont.
It was inserted on January 5. I'm clearly having my period right now. The cramps are from hell. I can hardly move. Did you guys experience this the first couple of months?
Please tell me this is gonna get better.