I found a coworker's LJ. In which he's just adorkable and OMG, so young.
I'd feel kind of bad, but I'm pretty certain he's trying to find mine (as we did the dance of LJ obfuscation when discussing the site). Silly boy should know better than to link to such things from his official, name containing site!
Thanks, but I'm the mutant that really doesn't like the stuff. I'll stick with my single malt.
::passes Oban; hoardes Fernet::
I love these shoes enough that I'm sad I have no place to wear them.
Damn. Those are pretty. Now I’m sad too.
So, in case you were wondering, I’m certain I’m hormonal. Just ate a bowl of semi-sweet chocolate chips, because I was desperate for chocolate. Boy, I hope this fun phase doesn’t last long.
Must check weather and see how bundled I must get to go outside and walk the little Toto man.
Update: It's a whole 9 degrees! Sounds like it's time for the big coat, hat, blah, blah, blah.
We had weather that cold two days ago -- but then the very next day it warmed up drastically. (But it's supposed to get even colder tonight and tomorrow.)
It is supposed to get up to 30 degrees, which is better than yesterday.