Jen, is it much different than the incision they'd make for a C-section?
Usually it's bigger, yeah, and sometimes a little higher up on the abdomen. Depends on the person, really.
Yay baby boys! They're Grrrrrreat! You can name him Turtle. (That would actually make a cute name, I think.)
Robin, my coworker had a hysterectomy for fibroids this fall and while she went stir-crazy during the recovery (called me at work at 8am the day after the surgey all, "I'm bored!") she seems to be doing geat now.
For children's music grownups can love, we are currently way into They Might Be Giants. It causes wild crazy dancing, which is good as it wears the rascal out. I also know two year old twins who loved Elvis.
Jessica - Pregnancy caffeine gets the thumbs up! [link]
They wouldn't let me have a sip.
I've sent my sister the TMBG kiddie albums, which both she and the kids like a lot.
I am at home again, and sort of ambivilent about it. I do feel much better than on Wednesday, but it's THREE DEGREES outside, and I just feel like that any advances to my health could be in jeopardy if I venture outside in the 3 degree/negative 15 wind chill weather. Plus, there's nothing pressing at work, and I have the sick time. I feel guilty though.
No guilt. You don't want to slide backwards. Rest and get healthy before venturing out into the cold outdoors.
It is in the best interest of your employer that you stay home today. If you go out before you are strong enough you could get sicker and have to stay home all next week.
If I'm going to validate might as well do it right. Also, all day!
It was cold here this morning. 50ish. I had to put on shoes to drive Brendon to school! And turned on the seat heaters in the car. It will be 70 before noon. The locals are getting concerned about how warm it has been all winter so this is a bit of a relief. Our surf temps are in the high 70s in January. This does not bode well for hurricane season. We need to chill for a while. Don't think that is going to happen.
Turtle Moon Bone! I like it.