In meme news.... holy fuck.
I've just been informed that I will be moved out of my current job and into another position here. Instead of taking care of the tutoring program, I will be creating a new program that will have students creating accounts to get supplies (this is a lame description, but I'm not really clear on the whole thing yet.)
In short, I am completely blindsided and gobsmacked.
The Good:
- Clearly, I'm not fired, which is always a good thing.
- They think highly enough of me that I was selected to start this brand new program. (Apparently other departments are fighting over me too. I'd be flattered, if I didn't feel vaguely nauseous...)
- I'll be starting a program, rather than managing an existing program, and if it's successful it would be a gold star for me.
- There's apparently more room for upward movement and pay raises in that department, which is not limited by federal funding issues, as my current position is.
- I still have a job.
The Bad (maybe?):
- No pay raise. (OK, yeah, still have a job, but if you really think this much of me? Financial compensation would not be amiss.)
- I'm changing jobs YET AGAIN after one year against my will.
- I actually care about the job I do, and while I think the person that's going to be doing it will be competent and do well, I have a personal investment in it and want it to do well.
- In the next week to two weeks, I have to bring all the multiple strings that I have tied around my fingers at any one point together enough to hand them off to someone else, AND be able to explain what the hell I'm giving her.
- Above all, I want to get THE HELL out of this place, and instead I seem to keep getting cemented here more and more.
I need a drink.