So how do you make yourself do the things you really hate to do, but have to get done - at home or work?
At home, invite people to come and visit. That usually inspires a burst of cleaning fury.
At work, deadlines (as much as I hate to admit) will get me to get stuff done. A to-do list often works as well, but not today ...
So how do you make yourself do the things you really hate to do, but have to get done - at home or work?
I set a timer for 5 or 10 minutes and do as much as I can, as fast as I can. Then I take a 5 minute break. Repeat until task completed.
Yup. I do this, particularly with washing dishes, when I've left them get to the point where both sides of the sink are heaped with dirty dishes and some are on the stovetop and some are on the counter and there are dirty dishes in the sink that I swear I don't even OWN and it would take about 2 hours to wash them all.
The timer method works really well for that.
I use that method with my kids, but I'm ass at doing it myself.
I had the house spiffied for brunch Saturday and the floor of my room has been reclaimed by clean clothes. I hate folding, but I'll do that before I sort socks. Sorting socks is EBIL.
My years of living in a tiny studio with sheddy animals have made me very good about putting away clean clothes instantly. I still have a tendency to throw sweaters or jackets over a chair when I come inside and leaving them there for days, though.
I'll sort my own socks, but I rarely have more than 3 or 4 pair in a load. I buy all the same brand and mostly the same color socks for DH and they all get dumped in a drawer unmatched and unfolded. Makes for more sanity that way.
There's not much I can do to make me do chores I hate. I pretty much put them off until there's no alternative.
Or until the internets get slow.
I've recently taken to timing how long it takes me to do the things I prefer to put off, then I can remind myself how quickly I'll be done next time I want to procrastinate because they are generally things that take under 10 minutes.
So how do you make yourself do the things you really hate to do, but have to get done - at home
Nag Joe until he does it instead.
t bad wife
So how do you make yourself do the things you really hate to do, but have to get done - at home
Nag Joe until he does it instead.
To which I say: "You've seen this episode of CSI, like, 4021 times. Get off the couch already."
Hard to argue with truth.