Back from the ER with anti-b drops and a script for vicodin which I might or might not fill. Textbook corneal scratch, should heal in a day or two.
I did enjoy the Matilda baptism photos! That's a cute baby. The rest of the fam isn't bad-looking either!
Sorry about the bug bites Cass!
Oh, d, that sounds awful! Feel better!
Ouch, d! Sorry about the scratch. When I got my Lasik surgery, the surgeon did tell me that the cornea is the fastest healing tissue in the body--so you've got the going for you.
Did you get a sexy eyepatch?
Right at this moment, I'm wondering why the fuck anyone in their right minds would put a toy hammer in kids' tool kits. And looking for some Tylenol.
Right at this moment, I'm wondering why the fuck anyone in their right minds would put a toy hammer in kids' tool kits. And looking for some Tylenol.
Suddenly very thankful that all my kids tried on me this morning, from the tool set, was sawing off my nose.
Oh, ow, d! Fast healing to you.
I cover the green with beige concealer and then foundation, just the foundation is too sheer.
Poor d. Hope you feel better soon.
I overslept (was out kind of late last night), and realized that I need to go grocery shopping. I don't feel like going grocery shopping. I also realized that I found a zillion bookmarks with various bookstore logos when I was cleaning up my books, and decided that I'm going to make a collage of sorts with them, once I find a few more. I'm also watching some more cleaning and organization shows on TV, for some inspiration. (Three things I need to do today are take the huge stack of empty cardboard boxes to the garage, do laundry, and clean off my table. I think I'll start with cleaning off the table, since that one doesn't require getting dressed.)
Go Team Not Getting Dressed!