Erin, I was just thinking about you. I have been having a bad bout of winter dry-itchy-sensitive-annoying skin, and my normal regimen of slathering baby oil on in the shower was not cutting it. I got a salt scrub, and recruited the DH to scrub my back with it as I was in the shower. He, of course, took "back" as a guideline rather than a rule, so I now have an Erin-smooth ass, as well.
ETA: Plei=gorgeous.
The first pic, I'm like "Wow, awesome cheekbones, why didn't I get that structure before?"
They've been hidden beneath padding for a while. I've dropped about 40lbs since April/May of last year, and after about 25/30 of those, it all seemed to come off my face.
Also, y'all have me set to blushing.
ooo, Plei. Congrats on the weight loss, and also on winning the genetic lottery!
Lee, smonster, juliana, deb, p-c, javachick, beth and matt all rock like rocking things that rock.
I know he gets bored but I also know that he's pretty uninterested in other dogs in his space.
If they like other critters (and the specific critter in particular), multiples are good. If not, well not so much. How's that for vagueing it up?
I know that both of my cats would be happier without the other. Not much I can do about it now and they are not miserable, but they'd be happier apart.
I was talking to my vet about it because I'd had Kittenish in the cattery and Puppycat had been home alone when I was traveling. She agreed that there are pets who lurve each other and those that just don't. Like roommates in college, I suspect.
Hmm. That would require buying a mop, wouldn't it? I ended up wiping them up with a paper towel, which worked OK.
I use towels that are about to be washed. Actually I think I only clean my bathroom floors when I am about to do laundry. Kitchen floor can lead to its own run of laundry.
Then again, I have also been known to use Scrubbing Bubbles on the floors too. Because I am as sloth when it comes to cleaning floors and it works like whoa.
Can y'all see this: [link] ?
I love that second pic. It is the hint of eyebrow and just the Plei-ness of it all.
He, of course, took "back" as a guideline rather than a rule, so I now have an Erin-smooth ass, as well.
I need to scrub my skin as well. I miss DxH for doing that for me. We'd throw down an old sheet, mix up salt and oil and he'd full-body buff me. Happy smooth skin. Smoooooove.
(x-posty with Un-American)
Could one of our UK Buffistas help me out? I'm trying to get my hands on the current issue of
magazine. It's number 1142, and apparently has Fall Out Boy on the cover (no, they're not why I want it). I will, of course, pay for it and shipping. Help help?
Lee, smonster, juliana, deb, p-c, javachick, Suzi and Matt all rock like rocking things that rock
and the fact that we may may gain an smonster is extra cool.
Pictures of Plei make me want to see Plei .
Ahhh, Ple pictures. It's been a while. (Note to self: alert Lizard to this fact). When I was in high school I used to hang out at the book store and flip through the big book of Hurrell's famous glamour photos of Hollywood stars. Jennifer Jones, Ava Gardner, Hedy Lamarr. It's like that looking at Ple pictures.
We've got baptism pictures! I'm not going to share the ones which show off my prodigious burgher's girth. Lord, I knew I'd achieved a new maximum weight but seeing yourself in profile is a whole new experience. Oh well, baseball season has started and I can run with the kids.
This one's for Bev
You talkin' to me?
Fambly! (my Dad on the left)
Happy Nana and Papiou
Matilda with bonnet (and Emmett sans bonnet)
Happy baby in pink!