I fixed the TV! I am genius!
(We were getting sound, but no picture. After a bunch of tinkering around, I figured out that the problem was that there was something wrong with the coaxial input on the TV. Switched the cable box - TV connection to S-video, and problem solved.) (The component input on the TV stopped working last year. It's my parents' setup. They're getting a new TV soon, but for now, just want to get this one working well enough to last them until then.) (Also, I was able to pull out about 10 superfluous cables, including three that were part of the wire tangle but weren't connected to anything on either end. No clue how those got there, but I plan to mock my dad about them.)
Well done, Hil! Getting rid of superfluous cables deserves some sort of medal.
I didn't actually see the duck film, just was told how awesome it was with very vivid descriptions.
oh dear ... I saw this and all I could think was "I thought they could fly!"
Perhaps this is the genesis of the turducken?
Cute Overload IS my overlord.
eta: and dailypuppydotcom...but they amount to the same thing. Terminal, unrepentant schmoop. I am its bitch...but only in private.
Also dailykittendotcom...
And there really is a cuteoverlord dot com.
And there really is a cuteoverlord dot com.
There might have been, but neither www.cuteoverlord.com nor cuteoverlord.com give me any love today.
That's weird.
cuteoverlord. blogspot dot com
Sparky, I clicked on your link, and day-up, hot Prom Date. But it inspired a google of my Homecoming Date (I didn't go to Prom, but that's another story) and all that came up was some birth-and-death-date listing. I'm pretty sure it's him. I don't remember his birthday, but it's the right year, and his name isn't exactly a common one.
Oh, dear, Andi -- that's a shock to run into even if you weren't close recently.
Back on the steroids. Body, start behaving!
amych, congratulations!!!!
There was other stuff, but I forgot. I've been reading along, nodding, and sending ~ma and love. I'm just buried here and not feeling very well.