I'll admit that I've asked married couples if they're planning on having kids but if someone says, "no." I certainly accept that as a reasonable answer. I'm wondering what the fuck is wrong with people that they would press that kind of issue.
I also make it a point, if some friends are together, but not married to not ask "when are you getting married?" I've asked if they were thinking of marriage but also don't push into someone else's business if they're not interested in sharing.
Pushy breeders are nobody's friend.
Today is the kind of day where I wish to shout "Have you the BRAIN WORMS?!?" at many many people.
However, cutie-pie pictures! Yay!
I assume that if people want me to know things about their personal lives, they'll tell me. If I'm not in the need-to-know group, that's their business and not mine.
At my off-site last week, one of my co-workers was talking about the fact that she didn't want to have kids, and another one seemed almost
by the notion. When Co-Worker A said she didn't think she'd make a good mother, Co-Worker B said, "You don't know that!" Worse was when another one, Co-Worker C, said he and his wife were thinking of adopting rather than having their own child because why bring another child into this world when there are so many kids out there who need a family? And, again, Co-Worker B became very adamant about her position, telling him there wasn't actually this huge glut of kids in need of adoption, and there were all these women who were unable to have children of their own, and here they were, able to produce a child but refusing to, instead taking from the stock of children that could go to women who couldn't have their own kids, and it's hard to mold a child taken in at the age of four, and...it was all very strange, and I was surprised neither one of them actually got pissy with her.
It certainly did not feel like it! We sat and chatted while the kids were playing like we've known each other forever.
Yeah, it did. And we'll definitely do that more. We'll be back in Michigan in July. *hint hint*
Pushy breeders are nobody's friend.
BWAH! I'm putting that on a t-shirt.
Maybe we humans just evolved the desire to make everyone else have kids because it gave us an advantage over groups of humans that didn't breed as much.
At my off-site last week, one of my co-workers was talking about the fact that she didn't want to have kids, and another one seemed almost offended by the notion.
Do these people who think that those who choose not to have children are judging them who have or otherwise invalidating their choice to have children? I do not get why people get so het up about other people's choices. Then again, these are probably the same people who think that Teh Gays getting married it will ruin it for the rest of us.
Not to say I haven't run into Assholeriffic Child-FREE folks. @@ Assholes are assholes, regardless of parental status, I guess.
One good thing about getting married at age 50? No "having kids" questions.
Co-Worker B said, "You don't know that!"
For starters, A would know far better than B does.
Sorry. B just hit one of my peeviest pet peeves there.