Sorry, sj, for the relational gaff.
No worries. It is just a little freaky about the word hubby. People have been bugging me lately about when we're getting married. We're not even engaged yet.
sj, what everyone else said about lifestyle change. My DH's cholesterol was mucho high even though his diet is so much better than mine and he exercises 6 days a week - just a freaky metabolism that doesn't "do" cholesterol. He didn't want to go on statins so he changed his eating habits and his levels have been seriously reduced to a more acceptable level.
Can I ask what he did?
(backing out of Bitches and back to my scenic river cruise until the upsetting and personally relelvant health talk ends)
Nora, that's wonderful news.
My bad cholesterol is high. Luckily, so is my good cholesterol. I also have in the past sucked at the whole diet and exercise thing, so that's where I'm starting. ND and I decided this week to make a concerted effort to reduce our sugar and fat intake since we both have some health concerns. We also need to start the whole exercising thing. I do have a gym membership. Which I've never used. Shut up.
Edited because I really can spell.
My bad cholesterol is high. Luckily, so is my good cholestral.
His good is low.
I'm sorry, Connie. It was not my intention to upset anyone.
sj is a sweetheart. That is all.
I'm up to about 30 unanswered voicemails, and an additional 30 calls that I've taken. Must crawl under desk and curl up in tiny ball.
I suppose I should renew my search for a Better Damn Job. When I'm not curled in the aforementioned tiny ball.
I'm sorry, Connie. It was not my intention to upset anyone.
No, if I was a better person I'd be inspired, not cringing. It's all my own fault.
Where is NYC's snow? Why does everybody else get OUR SNOW?
*grumble grumble feels like I never even left the South grumble grumble*
raise the good with more exersize - it really works - then even if the numbers are too high- as long as the ratio is good they may keep him off the drugs . The only reason I am on a choleseral drug is - diabetes - they want my cholesteral as low as some one that has had a heart attack should keep their levels. My BP didn't go high until I had the bad asthma. but once again , even if my blood pressure never was high - I would probbably end up on some sort of BP medicine - because my kidneys and heart need protection. Once again , in teacup guy's favor, just a little bit more exercise and his bp may go down. When I was walking the library for 2 hours ( at an extreamely slow pace) by good cholesteral was in the 75- 80 (I think) range. 6 months later when I was no longer doing that it drop to 60-55 ( which is still good, just not as good)My sister in the navy had a doctor that thought it would be good for anyone over 40 to be on a cholesteral lowering drug - very few side effects ( my doctor would echo that - she never has had to take anyone off a cholesteral drug due to side effects) - and loweer cholesteral is good .