How polite is it of her to mis-state my post? I don't have a right to be outraged about that?
Shawn wasn't lying, she misunderstood your post, though, like Scrappy, I read it the same way Shawn read it.
You can be outraged without being condescending.
I don't think you understand the social structure, here, and I am not sure how to explain it to you. You're like the proverbial bull in the china shop.
Just one more suggestion for the admin warning thing -- following on from the idea of putting admin warnings into red, bold font or whatever, how about having a
for official warnings.
I think it would make a suitably strong impact, as there are relatively few graphics around here.
We could do it two ways: stompies are allowed to add graphics and/or add a particular shortcut for the warning that only stompies know, and is incredibly unlikely to be created by accident.
Or you could even say "I'm confused, I didn't mean to say that at all. What I meant was [...]." It's generally (as I advise my little sisters, who, btw, just
have not gotten
this yet) best, in confrontations, to be able to make the other party feel slightly foolish while you lean back in righteous superiority; rather than saying something like (as an *extreme* example) "I don't think so, babydoll! You've got to read my post again, I never said anything like that. What are you, blind?" because then everybody will think you're just an asshole.
Or, what my sisters do, which is hit your sister after she went into your room without permission. Keep yourself in the injured, sympathetic party, guys! Don't allow Mom to come in and see the other girl wailing on the floor, no one will care that she touched your stuff without asking first!
I digress.
t edit
massive xpostness
I can't be offended because you twist my words into somehow making that an insult.
Nobody's twisting your words. They're right there, and they're insulting. You could have disagreed with what Shawn said without being rude. We do it all the time.
Just one more suggestion for the admin warning thing -- following on from the idea of putting admin warnings into red, bold font or whatever, how about having a graphic for official warnings.
That seems clever to me, John.
You CAN be offended, Schmoker. It's just you need to think about how you deal with being offended (as we all do). Rob got upset at you, and several posters asked him to express his feelings in a more polite way (and he apologized, as he should have). If you're upset at Shawn say, well, "That upset me. I feel as if you are twisting my words and I feel attacked." If you can't read the difference in tone between that and "don't get your panties in a bunch" then you are a lot less intelligent than you seem to be. And that I don't believe.
(John! Not to be off-topic here, or use a thread just a vehicle for short personal messages, which I would so never do, but-- AIM?)
Bureacracy note?
If Schmoker does really want to discuss, just as something interesting, the fact that we watch a show where people are insulting and rude to each other, but don't allow insults and rudeness here, then this is not the thread for it.
I personally feel, Schmoker, that you're annoying people not just by your words, but by the fact that you
cannot let things go.
Every time you say "OK, I'll drop it", you don't drop it. Every time you say "I get it" you go on to say something that proves you don't get it. Every time you say you understand that you offended someone, there's a pause, followed by you saying "...but" and then going on to say how you were justified, or the rules are being applied inconsistently, or, as you've done above, trying to say that it's ironic that we watch a show where people are rude to each other but won't allow it on the board. You seem to have a need to keep these difficult situations alive and in the forefront of debate.
Either you get it, or you don't. And I've seen you say, over and over, that you get it.
And then there's that terrible pause.
And then you start up again.
I personally find it exhausting and depressing and I really wish you'd stop.
stompies are allowed to add graphics
Brilliant! Maybe we could limit it to one specific graphic file, 'cause who knows how out of control I might get if I could add graphics to my posts willy-nilly.
Brilliant! Maybe we could limit it to one specific graphic file, 'cause who knows how out of control I might get if I could add graphics to my posts willy-nilly.
With great power comes great responsibility, Jon.