Bureacracy note?
If Schmoker does really want to discuss, just as something interesting, the fact that we watch a show where people are insulting and rude to each other, but don't allow insults and rudeness here, then this is not the thread for it.
I personally feel, Schmoker, that you're annoying people not just by your words, but by the fact that you cannot let things go.
Every time you say "OK, I'll drop it", you don't drop it. Every time you say "I get it" you go on to say something that proves you don't get it. Every time you say you understand that you offended someone, there's a pause, followed by you saying "...but" and then going on to say how you were justified, or the rules are being applied inconsistently, or, as you've done above, trying to say that it's ironic that we watch a show where people are rude to each other but won't allow it on the board. You seem to have a need to keep these difficult situations alive and in the forefront of debate.
Either you get it, or you don't. And I've seen you say, over and over, that you get it.
And then there's that terrible pause.
And then you start up again.
I personally find it exhausting and depressing and I really wish you'd stop.