Buffista Holiday Card Exchange!
Basic rules:
1. Sign up by filling out the form.
2. Cards that are sent can be purchased or handmade, but should include a brief personal message (and not just a signature). Sometimes people include bookmarks, stickers, etc, but it is no way mandatory.
3. Select how many cards you would like to exchange from the ticky box. You will be matched up with the number you choose.
4. USians, let me know if international mail is okay for you to send or if you only want to send domestically (getting to the post office is challenging!)
5. Are religious cards okay for you or would prefer secular greetings only? Let me know and I'll let your exchangees know.
6. Your address and info will be only shared with your exchange partners UNLESS you opt in to the whole group list.
7. Some people are overachievers and send mail to more than their selected folks. If you want a copy of the everyone who opted into the whole group list, let me know and I will send that.
8. Cutoff for signups will be November 27 (the day before Thanksgiving) and cutoffs to send will be January 6, 2020.
9. Sometimes life happens and cards get forgotten. If you are willing to be a back up on 1-2 extra cards, can you let know? That way if someone doesn't get anything, we can get it covered.
To sign up: [link]