We had to put our fluffy girlkitty to sleep today. Goodbye, Trinian.
If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
My Mom died peacefully last night. She'd had a really good day on Thursday, with my aunt & cousin & SiL and niece visiting and getting a takeout dinner with her, so they were making jokes and she was definitely wrapped in familial love, but according to the home health aides she just faded away all through Friday.
She made it to 90, which meant a lot to her, too. When last we spoke about her dying, she said she'd prefer just not to wake up one morning.
I can't begin to say how lucky I feel that we had her around as long as we did, with the various health crises she'd overcome over the past 20 years, that she was in full possession of her mind and able to enjoy life. She got to see her grandkids (all but the 16yo) in college or graduated, to know that I'd come through my unemployment and was getting real work again, that my brothers were healthy and her daughters-in-law were a joy.
At the moment I'm surprisingly dry-eyed, mostly from shock I suppose. We knew it was coming, but Mom had pulled back from the brink a couple times (stubborn is a family trait) so we could hope that we'd get a little more time. As they say, it's always sudden.
Job offer has been signed; I start work on Monday.
This has been a day of upsetting news. My grandmother passed away last night, leaving my grandfather and her five sons, plus her extended family in mourning.
I have also received news that one of my closest friends since high school is gravely ill, with multiple types of bacteria in his blood, and a compromised immune system. His wife and two kids are pretty worried about him.
I took the cats to the vet today. Nova is fine, other than needing her teeth cleaned. Luna, on the other hand...
She had lost a significant amount of weight since last year, and had been hiding out a lot more. The vet found something odd when she palpitated Luna's abdomen. X-rays were kind of ambiguous, as there was a good bit of biological matter in her colon. Monday they're going to clear her out and take another X-ray. I left her at the vets over the weekend, as it's very hard to get her into the carrier.
Some nothing serious~ma for Luna, if you can spare it.
Hi everyone. Kaylee and I are going to be walking in this year's annual Wiggle Waggle Walk on Sept. 30th to support the Pasadena Humane Society. If you would be willing to help me to reach my goal of $300, I would be deeply grateful! [link]
My friend Tim, one of my closest friends on this earth, passed away this afternoon at 1:30 pm EST. He was 43.
He is survived by his wife and two children.
Turns out Luna had a nasty hairball clogging up the works. Everything should be fine now. Thanks for the ~ma.
Hi...I am dark grey till Friday. Internet and cable have been off for about a week. I have a MS due Wednesday, and will be back om track. I HAVE gotten emails and plan on heading to a friends horse with wifi tomorrow.
Otherwise I am ok..broke as fuck, of only
my 4 damn checks would hit
I willbe answering emails tomorrow, when I can do it on a full sized laptop, not my phone.
Hi...I am dark grey till Friday. Internet and cable have been off for about a week. I have a MS due Wednesday, and will be back om track. I HAVE gotten emails and plan on heading to a friends horse with wifi tomorrow.
Otherwise I am ok..broke as fuck, of only
my 4 damn checks would hit
I willbe answering emails tomorrow, when I can do it on a full sized laptop, not my phone.