He is home, safe and sound (for the moment).
If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Please send as much ~ma as possible to my uncle. The oncologist just told us he's got 6-12 months, and that's completely out of the blue. All of a sudden he's got nodules on the left lung, which was supposedly clean in November. We're trying to get him into Johns Hopkins for a second opinion and possible treatment. Things aren't adding up and we are not just going to accept the latest news lying down.
Whatever you can spare would be much appreciated. We're not ready to let him go without a fight.
I was planning to catch up on all the hundreds of posts I got behind on when I was sick with the flu last week, but it'll probably be a few more days before I can do that.
My brother passed away this morning, just two days shy of two months off the feeding tube. Thanks to all of you who have offered so much support and love and ~ma throughout this long haul.
I'm going to be flying directly to Islip and back, so I don't think I'm going to get a chance to see anyone in NYC this time, unfortunately. But I hope to be back soon, under happier circumstances.
(And for those of you who were following my bitching in Bitches, I'm sharing a hotel room with my other brother, who has already booked his flight, so, yay.)
My MiL has been in the hospital ICU for the past few days to be treated for an infection, but she's likely to be released sometime today. That said, she still has about two more weeks of treatments before she's out of the woods. Any spare ~ma for her health would be appreciated.
I auditioned for America's Got Talent yesterday and wrote briefly about the experience here.
(bring comments to the Music thread as I rarely peek into Natter).
If there's job~ma to spare, my other half could really use it around 3 p.m. EST.
Edited for a missing word. Oops.
From Trudy (via text)
surgery started late and ran long - but went VERY well. I'm good and home. Fingers crossed for a good first night!
DCistas, I'm going to be selling vintage books at Eastern Market starting March 20. Come visit me!
Hey Peeps!
I'm home and on the mend. Looks like I can cut back on the heavy drugs a bit (just not the same without the hookers anyway) and start communicating with the world at large again.
Thanks for all the good wishes!
I passed the background check! So I'll start paid training for a supermarket cashier job next Thursday.
Yeah, it's not a big YAY JOB, but it pays more than unemployment and it's close to home and school, so....