While I am much, much better, my beloved 'surrogate' mom, Niki is in a very bad way.
She has had two heart attacks in the last week, and then contracted pneumonia in the hospital. (we are keeping it in the family, at least)
Tomorrow, she is supposed to have an exploratory procedure to determine if she will have open heart surgery. This seems a likely outcome and her prognosis going onto the table is quite bad.
I got to see her this evening, which was great. And, unlike her other recent illnesses, I'm mostly okay with whatever happens. Being so sick myself has firmly shifted me into the 'no suffering please' camp.
Please, right outcome ~ma directed at Takoma Park, MD, Monday the 11th.
Can I get some Please let this one be nothing-ma for this afternoon? I have to go in for a thyroid biopsy around 2:30 board time.
Happy National Coming Out Day everyone! Columbus schmalumbus, let's be fabulous!
A lovely woman I work with was pregnant with twins last year and lost the babies. She got pregnant again this year--again with twins, which her doctor said was REALLY rare--and is now on bedrest for early labor. She is almost to week 28, which is a good thing, but more time for the babies-ma would be much appreciated.
Can I request some fairly industrial-strength sort-it-out-ma? Work is the kind of happy that is un right now, and I rather desperately need A Plan, and preferably a better one than "hide under the covers and feel sorry for myself until it goes away".
My youngest sister is having emergency surgery on her gall bladder which is, apparently, "full of stones".
I can't help thinking that with health insurance it might not have gotten this advanced without being detected.
So ma to the kid. I'll let you know when she's out.
I applied for another job that I actually am qualified for and want. This usually means I won't get it, but if I could get a little job~ma, I might catch a break this time.
Requesting a little more legal ~ma for the situation with She Who Will Not Be Named. She's way overstepped her bounds and I'm trying to figure out what steps to take that don't involve physical violence.
She's out!
Due to inflamation they were worried they wouldn't be able to get it out laproscopically but they did! HOORAY!
The bad/good news is that it was
bad. There were two spots of gangrene. This is bad for obvious reasons -- who wants gangrene? Good, however, because apparently this has been going on for a while and hopefully a lot of the problems she's been having pain-wise for the past few months will be resolved now.
Thanks for the ~ma guys.
I know I haven't been around much lately due to the new job and school schedule, but if I could request some test~~ma for tomorrow morning from 7:15am to about 1:00pm Eastern I'd really appreciate it. I'm taking the Basic Skills Test which is a standardized test that I must pass in order to get accepted into the School of Education at my university. No admittance into the SoE and no teaching degree. I have been really bad at standardized tests in the past and I'
m hoping to not be tomorrow, but I'm still really nervous cause if I don't get in, there are very few classes I'll be able to take next semester.
Thank you so much.